First - the definition of education:
1 - language: If we go back to the dictionaries of the Arabic language and the word of Education found three origins of language: 1) Lord more than the sense of increased and grew. 2) Lord keeps its meaning, and he grew up. 3) Lord of the Braille words fix and took his order, and politicians, and was sponsored by the ...
Hence we can conclude that the meaning of education in terms of language as a whole benefits thateducation is development, So and so said to my Lord: and fueled The emergence of any strength grew and the physical and mental defects. Is said to arise any raised and fed and educated.
2 - the definition of intellectuals and educators:
- Kircnstaz: The Culture of Education in order for the transfer of the human values of the organization of your consciousness and in his own way and according to the same.
- John Milton: The full education is what makes a good human to perform any work or a special year-old was accurately and honestly and skill in war and peace.
- Bstwazza: that education is the development of all the forces of child development is complete and compatible.
- The role of Chaim: The goal of education is the development of the child to develop mental and physical shape required by the society in which it belongs.
Based on the definitions of education through the thinkers and educators, we can conclude that education are: the process of cultural transmission from one person to another and, more generally, from generation to generation, followed by an exercise automatically or regularly to help the child develop all his abilities, his strength, adapt and find a balance between him and the environment in which they live and show their capabilities in order to set up the potential for life to become a citizen of an incorrect body strong mind, a pure conscience useful to society.
Second - the attributes of Education
1 - a private man
2 - Education is the process by a person otherwise
3 - Education targeted process
4 - absorb the experiences of public