Education on the basis of skills.. Improve the quality of the education system, universal education and success

Necessary scientific and technological development since the modern mid-twentieth century, providing the best training frameworks trained to run the machine with all patterns;, prompting the Western society as little Hamdaoui To reconsider the school and the nature and function; by linking them with reality, life and the job market to fight unemployment, school failure and social inequality, this means linking the school Palmquaolh and professional life, ie, the school must open up to the reality and the community to change them and Amdadahma frameworks trained and qualified and distinguished, then the value of knowledge and content If the school is paired with a functional, professional, technical and craftsman, as a result of these factors appeared the so-called Baklna educational curricula and make it effective with the product knowledge, creative, and subtracting the concept of adequacy.

Curricula have been subject to many attempts at innovation, Was one such attempt the development of curricula based on the teaching competencies, and adopt an approach to the construction of the new curricula, formulation, based on the principle of quality improvement In the system Educational, and universal education and success, and reduce redundancy, and avoiding the traditional behavioral defects that led in the framework of teaching objectives to the fragmentation of knowledge is detrimental to the unity of knowledge and skills acquired by the learner, in addition to the transition from the theoretical perspective of the desirable to the Perspective applied, and this is no longer education than teaching information, and shipping of the mind of the learner with, but became the training workshops, and became imperative for the institution to change its contents and programs accredited Competency-based Instruction as an essential input for this teaching, and betting on the preparation of citizens able to cope with the tide of globalization.

This development was the need to adopt a balance between Different types of knowledge (theory and practical and practical), as well as various areas (mental, emotional and physical). And also emphasizes the need to keep up with basic training and continuous training Frameworks for all education and training, and support in various forms, to keep pace with these frameworks at a steady pace Various innovations that have defined the curriculum.

And "going through the adoption of teaching competencies to transfer skills to the skills and abilities of high, can be translated into action for observation and measurement, provided you do not fall into the fractional and complex structure of the procedural goals of the goals adopted in pedagogy" And meets this talk about skills in teaching and converted to the skills and capabilities of high with the talking about the quality and standards that emerged from the technical, technological, and vocational training to the educational field in order to improve results continuously, and the consequences of this whole competitive abolish the borders between educational institutions, universities and training institutions generally, and in this regard could be talking about the calendar cost-effective, and the development of indicators to help decision-making, from the premise that education has become a business, and so we find these schools or institutions competing in the race for the international quality certificate (ISO 9000) and degrees, and boasts that it obtained, with the educational outcomes that have not lived up to the level of ambition. As a result, some of the terms entered in the new educational system, it is assumed the teacher taken into account in its evaluation of his students, including:

Standard: a set of skills necessary to perform a task or Eligible to move from one level to another, and this wealth of courses, some sets Specifications for pupils at the end of each academic year.

The specifications are generally goals and objectives Greater Educational, connected with life and activities than with the educational system, and describe the desired outcomes in the education of students at the completion of the stage of education is, and is quite general and the difficulty achieved easily, such as: consolidation of religious values ​​and ethics in the hearts of individuals.

And remain sufficiently different from the standard, but Closer to the tip in a significant amount of verification, each adequacy indicators, and sufficiently less general and less abstract and more relevant education of the specification which are the major goals of.
Indicator: is the result of analysis of adequacy or stage of the acquisition, which is "the behavior of subject for the note which you can identify them, and therefore allows the assessment of progress in the acquisition of that mark potential for interaction between the development of capacity and knowledge and so is a point of intersection between the capacity and content knowledge".
This corresponds to a performance use of real-time behavior.

Yet there are those who refuse to Use of the concept of learning in the index, Because the interim goals and objectives The final in their eyes enough to guide the work of the teacher and pupils in the educational process; and to monitor Conduct the final evaluation.

The indicators for observation and measurement of scientific and reliable in the assessment of competencies, are:

1- the psychological characteristics of single and independent from the others, They tell us that the state of the capacities of learners in grade level.

2- levels or final grades for which there is perfection in each of the areas in which Addressed in the teaching process during the school year.

3- structures Progress, which represents the successive stations to visualize the concepts and terms subject of teaching and learning in the unit of study or a particular lesson.

Status: "is a set of circumstances where there is the individual, and imposes upon the establishment of specific relationships and controlled, abstract and concrete with the group and the environment in which they live", And educational positions, including: the all the "problem is a challenge for the learner and able to engage in the process of learning an active, constructive and receive information and to find rules to resolve a regular and reasonable to elevate the level of learner knowledge better".

Process: the various processes and functions performed by the learner, to activate and potential personal gains and correct Tmtlath, to build new knowledge and incorporate it into prior knowledge and therefore decision-making and identifying appropriate achievement In addition to these terms entered the other terms such as: improvement, accreditation, customer, product, and all associated with competence as a result of transmission of the concept of the term from one area to another area, and of the position to another, and therefore overlapped terms and convergence concepts are no longer teaching objectives actor in the eyes of owners approach skills, but threw infertility and underdevelopment, and lack of line with scientific progress, with the skills in the end are the objectives of the Millennium behaviors amenable to observation and measurement, and the skills have been associated with Balslokat and achievement that gives indicators allow its observation and evaluation, and to form skills necessary to form a skill of skills leads to the formation of the ability to lead therefore insufficient.

Hence it is clear that the skills and capabilities derived from the goals of Education (specifications) which in turn determines skills and abilities according to the demand for social and professional, this means that the specifications are the objectives derived from the high society's values ​​and ethics, and competencies and capabilities are derived from them.
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