Supporters of these theories can be found Brett - Mary Barth . (1998.Britt-Mari Barth) And Albert Bandura(1986.A.Bandura) And the others. And defines the latter cognitive social learning, saying: "We use the word because the social thought and practice are considered Ajtmaitan phenomena in terms of essence and we use the word knowledge, Because Q Irorat affect the motivation of thought and feeling."
From here we can say that learning from the perspective of these theories is a process based on thatindividual to acquire new behaviors, by position or social or cultural context, and therefore makes the theoriesSocial learning is distinct from cognitive behavioral theories and psychological theories - knowledge in general, is to let g j attention on the social and cultural dimensions of learning and knowledge, and its emphasis on
The dominant position of social interaction and cultural education in the mechanisms, the question that concerns us in this context is: What is the educational goal in light of this social cognitive theories of education?Occurs and how to achieve?
To answer these questions, we believe it useful to approach the exposure of the approaches to education proposed by Albert Bandura (1977.Albert Bandura) To achieve educational goals, what is this approach?
"Although the approval of Pandora on the principle of promotion and its impact on the strengthening of behavior, but it indicates that the reinforcement alone is not enough to explain some patterns of behavior that appear suddenly to the child, in circumstances where we can not assume that these patterns, were formed gradually through the promotion ". Is clear from this statement that Pandora does not reject the promotion altogether, but it "assumes that learning through the model, can explain a learning." What is intended by this researcher learning model?
Social cognitive theories of a range of different approaches to learning by the form Approach and a Pandora'sone of the most important approaches that help to achieve educational goals. We will content ourselves to provide such approach, publicly reconciled to clarify its role in achieving educational goals in light of social learning theory of knowledge.