For less work Vutinas on the work of Rogers importance, with regard to the formulation of the theory of personalistic in education, it belongs to a school Hikag and, come his views influenced by psychology Aladleri, and give us a text of which follows the idea of summary of the objectives of education: "is intended lesson formation members are able to intervene effectively in the center of education, understanding of the results are of help in creating situations of learning based on the center of education, instead of concentration on the content of programs and methods of implementation. remains only scorer in such situations, open to the consideration that a systematic teaching aids left to the students the freedom to define their goals and criteria for evaluating themselves . In short, those monotheistic methodology (ie, uniting the student the subject) to students Disdaktekeya a framework for action and reflection, allowing them to identify their goals in the classroom, and determine their methodologies and calendars,
Through the use of a suitable environment and dealing with the facilitators of learning (Faciliteurs) (Teachers), and therefore the training program is built over time, focusing on the needs and desired it."
Notes that the text of this teaching which is based on these trends, is more a configuration which isKnower, T., need to secure a lesson from this perspective, we should seek to T. Kuo J n people have the freedom of what makes them able to submit their views in the center of education, should also be the educational status to allow them to identify their goals freely, but also allow them to define the standards for self-evaluation. The role of the teacher in the context of this view, lies in the ease and facilitate learning.