Efficiencies of scale teacher performance in education in 2001

Efficiencies of scale teacher performance in education in 2001:

1- The research aims to build a standardized scale to evaluate the efficiencies of teacher performance in public education in the Republic of Yemen.

2- To achieve this goal the research team through clear standards, and lists of competencies, and references available in this area, as well as through its expertise in research and teaching, preparing a scale efficiencies of teacher performance in public education, through the following steps:

2-1: identify the main competencies (areas), which saw the team they are the most common and widely used, despite the different terminology, calling them by the educators, in addition to Different categories of those skills, has identified twelve adequacy of the President, and considered all the adequacy of a public sphere.

Namely: learning objectives, the requirements of the new learning, analysis of lesson content, learning activities, lesson plan, questions the summer, teaching methods, Thfa learner, classroom management, guidance learners, the calendar.

2-2: Sub-building skills (paragraphs), which belongs to each of the above areas, according to the following guidelines:

- Each paragraph to reflect on the adequacy of public per teacher in public education, not specializedenough.

- Wording of the paragraph in a manner of behavior in the time of the present tense singular.

- Contain a paragraph on the performance of each one.

- That the wording of the paragraph clear and specific, and does not accept more than one interpretation.

- That the paragraph be amenable to observation and measurement.

- Take into account paragraph building institutional conditions in its demands for the teacher.

2-3: It was according to guidelines the previous setting of the image of the initial scale, and which consistedof (136) items distributed to the twelve areas; was also prepared instructions to the respondents of the scale, in addition to the data of the transponder, and your name is optional until liberated screened from any embarrassment, and adjust the variable "social approbation."

2.4: a panel discussion on an extended September 20, 2000 AD to discuss the measure clearly in the initialparticipation of 14 professors of curriculum and teaching methods at the Faculty of Education of Aden, and educational guidance / Aden, in addition to researchers from the Centre for Educational Research and Development Branch of Aden. The episode resulted in a set of views focused in the following axes:
- President of the new proposal efficiencies.
- Amend certain paragraphs.

2-5: introduction of the draft standard on a group of arbitrators specialists in the field of curriculum and teaching methods, measurement and evaluation in the Faculty of Education, University of Sana'a, as well as to researchers from the Center for Research and Educational Development in Sana'a. He asked them to express their views on the construction of the paragraphs of the scale in terms of affiliation paragraph for the domain that placed within it, and its suitability for measuring, with any necessary adjustments (add or delete).

2-6: in the light of the results of the panel of arbitrators and the views of the research team, including the following:

- Re-wording of some paragraphs.
- Add a paragraph (the adequacy of a subsidiary) to the second area of ten (assessment of teaching and learning).

- Delete paragraph thirteen.
Bringing the total measure of paragraphs (124) items distributed to twelve fields. This is an indication of the true measure of teacher performance efficiencies.

2-7: After completing the previous steps, designed to measure the efficiencies of scale teacher performance in five graduated levels depending on how Rances Likert "Rensis Likert ", So that the respondent chooses from the front of each paragraph of the digital alternative to the five alternatives:
1,2,3,4,5, represented by the weights: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Poor, unacceptable, respectively; These alternatives reflect the degree of adequacy of teacher practice.

2-8: determine the structural validity of a measure of the true knowledge of its paragraphs, by determining the correlation coefficient between the degree of bilateral paragraph one and the total score of a scale of one hand, and between the degree of paragraph one and the total score for the domain to which it belongs, on the other.

Then calculate the correlation matrix between different areas of the scale, and to achieve the scale that has been tried on a sample of 62 teachers were selected from primary and secondary schools Khormaksar Department, Aden, were correlation analysis (first analysis).

2-9: to legalize the scale field research teams apply the measure on a sample of (450) teachers, selected at random from the class of general education schools in the capitals of the following governorates: Sana'a, Aden, Taiz, Lahj, Abyan, according to the following guidelines:

- Divided capital of each province covered by the sample into four educational areas: North, South, East, West, for the purpose of research.

- The choice of a school for basic education, a school for secondary education, from each of the schools were caused by that choice twentieth and twenty primary school secondary school.

- Was chosen 20% of the strength of the teaching staff in each school.

2-10: After holding a discussion expanded to discuss is the initial scale, has been standard on a group of arbitrators, and has helped all of that to increase the honesty makes sense to scale, ie, how the representation of the scale of the domain, which is measured.

And that the testing standard in the stages ofits preparation and its application and amended several times, increasing the the degree of sincerity, so disinfect the factors affecting it, and so close to the scale in its scope and objectives of that situation to be measured to a high degree of honesty.

This has been the expense of true paragraphs of the scale (for the second time), using data collected from a sample of technical (n = 450), to see the link between the degree of each paragraph and the total degree of the scale, as well as the total score for the domain that belongs to him as well as the correlation matrix between different areas of measurement, has rates were the link to the three levels of d is statistically at the level of (0.01).

2-11: calculated measure of the stability (reliability) Reliability In two ways:
- How retail midterm (Split Half), Where the team used the results of applying the scale on a sample technical, and Department of paragraphs of each area into two halves: one includes scores of individuals to paragraphs individual, and the other includes the grades to the paragraphs, even-numbered, where the calculated stability of each area separately, then the stability of the scale as a whole.

Since the resulting correlation coefficients equal to half the scale parameters of stability, it has been modified correlation coefficients calculated for half-height to the correlation coefficients of the scale of a full-length equation using Spearman - Brown (Spearman-Brow).

- Way Olvakronbach (Cronbah Alpha) Has been used scores resulting from the application of the scale on a sample of regulation to find a way Olvakronbach stability coefficients for each area of the scale and overall stability. Where was the correlation coefficient for the total scale in a retail midterm Olvacro Nbach 0.9237and 0.9860.

3- After all the procedures of codification and the main result was a measure of teacher performance efficiencies in the general education component of the adequacy of 124 spread over twelve room is a major caliber performance in public education expected of teachers in public education, is to come in the final structure of the scale.

4- in the light of the results of the research team recommends the following:

4-1: use in evaluating the efficiencies of scale teacher performance in the stage of basic education as afirst stage and the stage of secondary education. Through the following procedural steps:

- By the Centre for Research and Educational Development to conduct an evaluation study as a first stage to determine the level of teacher practice efficiencies performance, identify training needs of teachers by taking a representative sample of the teachers at the level of the Republic.

- A training device for the central and subsidiary organs in the provinces to train supervisors and teachers and teachers to master the skills of public performance, taking into account the results of research referred to in the preceding paragraph.

- Print the scale and distribution of guidance and school administrators in the Republic.

- Teachers are evaluated routinely in two ways: the teacher for the same calendar calendar under the supervision of self-directed or the school principal for the purpose of knowing the needs of teachers training, and evaluation of the teacher by the educational supervisor, who is a teacher within the scope of supervision through:

A)- See the books of the preparation of the teacher to find out Kvayate planning and organizational.

B)- The visit supervisor to the teacher in the class schedule, and can be allocated each visit to preview Kvaitin.

4-2: Coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the adoption of the pre-service teacher training based on skills, to prepare teachers of general education, to take the measure of status within the plan preparation programs.

4-3: Conduct research to develop standards for teacher competences of each professional school detective in public education.
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