Evaluate teacher performance efficiencies at the stage of basic education in Yemen 2002

Evaluate teacher performance efficiencies at the stage of basic education in Yemen 2002:

1- study aimed to evaluate the performing skills of teachers in basic education in order to know the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of the teacher, and make recommendations aimed at improving the performance and degree of head study aimed to answer the following questions:

The first question:
What assessment of teachers in basic education to the degree of exercise For "qualified" public performance at the level of each area of the meter?

Second question:
What assessment of teachers in basic education to exercise the degree of "qualified" public performance at the level of each paragraph of each of the areas constituting the scale?

The third question:
Does the assessment of teachers - At the level of statistical Dalal e (0.01) for the degree of exercise for the public according to caliber performance:
 A)- sex?
B)- experience?
C)- Major?
D)- the work area?
E)- the province?

2- The study population of all teachers in the schools of basic education; Due to objective circumstances that prevent clear cases of all the community has been selected a representative sample of the characteristics of the community, according to the following steps:

- Sample was selected provinces through the adoption of the average number of school teachers in basic statistical indicators to quantify the growth of education in the province, for the classification of the governorates of the Republic to the four homogeneous groups.

- Two provinces were selected from each group as follows: Aden and Hadramout, Dalea, Hodeidah, Ibb and Dhamar, Sana'a and Amran; may approve the research team to replace Sanaa to "the secretariat of the capital."

- A selection ( 8 ) Schools from each of the governorates selected schools to be selected according to the following criteria: complete primary grades (1-9), and represents the boys 'schools and girls' schools, and from the city and the countryside - Whenever possible.

- Choose 20% Of teachers in primary schools, representing all the subjects, as the volume of the sample (681) teachers and teacher, working in (64) primary school.

3- To answer the study questions use the "measure of performance assessment of teacher competences in public education," which was prepared by a team from the Centre Year 2001, After adjusting the data to fit with the general objective of the study, a calendar Efficiencies of the teacher performing at the stage of basic education. Be a measure of (124) The adequacy of a subsidiary (paragraph) are distributed on (12) The adequacy of the President (field), and the areas are: educational goals, the basic requirements for learning, lesson content, organization, educational activities, teaching aids, lesson plan, questions classroom, teaching methods, classroom management, guide the behavior of learners, Calendar (for more knowledge of procedures associated with building scale and specifications to see research on the subject).

4- the most important key findings of the study:
- The key skills necessary to teach - Presented in the scale - practiced by teachers of basic education at rates less than the level of proficiency, as defined by the study team by 80%, in general.

- The areas of competency, which was the level of practice of teachers are at a level of mastery: the domain VII "Classroom Questions", and the third area "lesson content and organization.

- The areas of competency that was the practice of teachers have at least the level of being able to rank  As follows:
+ The fourth area: educational activities
+ The fifth area: teaching aids
+ The second area: the basic requirements of the new learning.
+ Domain XII: evaluation of teaching and learning
+ Area IX: stimulate learner
+ Domain VI: Lesson Plan
+ The first area: the educational objectives
+ Field X: classroom management
+ Area atheist Twelve: guide the behavior of learners
+ Domain VIII: teaching methods.

- The differences are statistically significant at a level (0.01) in the degree for the practice teachers (qualified) domain X, "classroom management" in favor of teachers who have a qualified High School or less.

- There is no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) in the degree of the practice of teachers for all areas of standard caliber performance due to the variable of specialization.

- Differences were statistically significant at a level (0.01) in the degree of teacher practice competencies in the areas of teaching aids, lesson plan, classroom questions, classroom management, calendar, due to the variable of experience, and for teachers who have years of experience 1 year or more.

- Did not show statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) in the degree for the practice teachers (qualified) performing, on all areas of the scale, due to the variable of the work area (city / rural).

- The differences are statistically significant at a level (0.01) in the degree of the practice of teachers to performance efficiencies, all areas of the scale, due to the variable of the province, and for teachers in the province of Aden in general. It was the practice of teachers for the "skills" to a lesser extent in the province of Dali.

5- In the light of the conclusions of the study, the researchers recommend the following:

1-5: more attention for "qualified performance" for teachers of basic education, and even suggest that the President is a training program - In stages - to develop the following skills:

- The formulation of objectives and behavioral classification.
- Analysis of learners' prior knowledge related to new learning.

- Design of educational activities - Learning.
- The selection and preparation of teaching aids
- Design the lesson plan.

- The use of modern teaching methods (discovery, solving problems, survey ... )

- Classroom management, and stimulate and guide the learner's behavior and take into account individual differences among learners.

- The use of processors in the statistical analysis of test results and interpretation.

- Based essay tests and objective, and established a classification of questions.

5.2: Coordination between the Ministry of Education and colleges of education in the Republic of programs to guide the preparation of teachers of elementary pre-service and training in rehabilitation and in-service skills; We suggest that this is done through the following:

- Implementation of the curriculum through diverse and flexible programs and educational materials for teacher preparation programs based on competencies.
- Caliber performance as a measure used in this study, the minimum skills necessary for basic education teachers, and use the calendar as a model to measure the performance of students in colleges of education.
 - Emphasis on performance first; attention and cognitive side, which helps to achieve this performance, and to give greater attention to education process.
- The preparation of cadres capable of preparing appropriate teaching materials, teacher training, according to the entrance of skills, and provide the necessary resources to do so.

- Care to choose a school teacher training colleges upper, and trainers in training institutes during the service.

- Establish objective criteria against which are accepting students enrolled in colleges of education.

- Special attention to training and qualification of teachers of elementary and responsive to the requirements of the teaching curriculum developed to the stage of basic education.

D the study team. Abdulhamid Saeed Ahmed   A. Saeed Ahmed Abdul a future. Abdelhafid Ma'amari   A.Said Ibrahim Negus
D supervision. Ahmed Saleh Alawi 
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