Messages on the laser disc to the owners of lonely hearts in the other planets

French willowy beautiful planet of 1.83 meters in length require a long elegant romantic companion, if possible .. Love letter of the Florence Doga "30 years" to the owners of lonely hearts in the other planets .. The postman bearing rockets thousands of messages will cross the solar system on its way to the moon is full of secrets
A variety of letters .. Calls for love .. Urged a peaceful coexistence Connie .. Welcome meal floor appetite convey a rocket-American to be launched in October 2000 to Titan, Saturn's largest moon. And hopes the European Space Agency, based in Paris that about a million people take advantage of this opportunity to register
their mark on the universe of these messages can be sent to the Agency through the World Wide Web Internet
The door will remain open for acceptance messages until the first of March and then being stored on laser disc explorer will carry automatic "robot", Huygens, with a wide range of scientific equipment to measure Juthaatan
And will be launched rocket that will carry the Huygens from Cape Canaveral on a joint mission of NASA, "NASA" and its counterpart in Europe. Fall Huygens by the umbrella on the surface of Titan in November 2004 and there will remain, and be surprised by any residents if they are found on the surface of Titan, which damaged cloud of clouds orange does not contain evidence of life, where the temperature reaches 180 degrees Celsius, more disturbingly, of the nature of earthly if they dump disk laser
The following is a sample of messages that would bring, Huygens: "hello, O worm green" from the Crystal Everett
"If you want friends hello to you on the blue planet" Invite him to Louise Castro, "13 years" "Rescue" Pietro Gonzalez Francisco shouting "43 years"
"Go to hell, the mad strangers" curse Massimo Ginala "26 years"
"Do not cry because you can not see the sun because the tears obscure you, stars" The Poetry of the Daniel Severino from Sevilla, Spain
"Seek impossible" from Francois Michel Javiz
"Be polite and we are pleased to offer you a plate of pasta," the invitation of the Italian Rita Christopara. The majority of the communications call for love and peace
The Titan is just 1.42 billion miles from the sun than ten times the distance from the earth.According to the European Space Agency that there is no way to verify the figures attained by the owners of the messages on the Internet, including the bizarre speech posing as U.S. President Bill Clinton, said by French fluent all the inhabitants of the land that dream of becoming American Make Dear Qmrkm U.S. states and fifty-one
Says Jean-Paul pied a spokesman for the European Space Agency that the project is similar to sending letters in bottles and dumping in the ocean with no hope in getting a response.
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