Reflections on the pedagogy of integration Altalmat.. Capacity Development period: communication, observation, composition

The role played by investment in the concrete situations of learning is important for two reasons:

1- Is that it is useful for the development of skills because they do not gain only within the position is.

2- Also useful for the development of the extended capabilities (communication, observation, composition) because they do not gain only through the positions that require, concretely, the disposal of the student.

The learning-based integration, is characterized, like other Altalmat, the interaction between different types of learning activities.

Doccal has distinguished between five types of activities associated withBouapdagoggio integration, namely:
1- Exploration activities Exploration .
2- Learning activities systemic App. Systémique .
3- Activities of the structure Ac. Structuration.
4- Activities of integration Integration.
5- Activities Calendar Evaluation.

- Exploration activities:
Yesh he saw all the educational status and place a new learning: learning a concept, rule, or a new P m shame. It revolves around Altalmat normal.

- Systemic learning activities:
learning activities that are designed to organize the different knowledge and experiences that have been processed during the exploration activities and consolidate the concepts, andbetween N e earnings.

- construction activities:
Mousfah the learnings any activities, and build a network of relations between the various Alakedzabat, cognitive maps and the installation of special topics targeted by the various Altalmat minute.

  And this classification can be organized in another way with the supplement, and to show independent dimensions:

- Integrative character of the activity: we can distinguish between   Ordinary activities, out of context-building activities and other activities calling for moving the gains in the position.

- Activity at the time: the beginning of learning, during, or at the end.

There is no doubt that each of these activities is important.
However, we focus on an activity, according to the choices pedagogical which to embark upon (in pedagogy classic, go a long time in the learnings systemic, and in the pedagogy of control, we focus on the activities calendar.

The proponents of the way to solve the problems they will spend most of the time in this type of learning activities.

And often What are the choices at the expense of some activities, especially activities of integration. In Pedajojia integration must focus on all learning activities, and it is wrong to believe that we confine ourselves to integration activities, and for two reasons:

1- The students vulnerable of them especially, need multiple approaches to adjust the gains, because this student had forced him to approach that does not suit them.

And if the omission of this fundamental principle, will become the pedagogy of integration, pedagogy private Palmtfoukan, that is capable of integration, without exploration, planning and building

2- If it is true that the corporate property of Talmat measured quantitatively for the integration activities in the total learning activities., They are measured qualitatively in the manner in which it was completed all learning activities.

  Accordingly, the development of pedagogy of integration requires a look at all the learning activities, and this does not mean that given the same importance, but preferably not a Atina Bahdha.
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