Tlat new traveler wandering through space on a Russian vehicle and pay $ 60 million

Two new two people nominated for a tourist trip to the International Space Station, each willing to pay $ 20 million to tour the space, according to officials confirmed Ross.

The official said at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems in a candidate that is currently undergoing medical tests at the Institute in charge of verifying the health status of all the Russian cosmonauts.

The official, who requested anonymity, determining the nationality of the two new candidates, saying only they were coming from the different continents, one from America and one from Europe.

Will become the young South African millionaire Mark Shuttleworth second visitor space soon after the American Dennis Tito, who made ​​a trip satellite between April / April and May / May 2001 for $ 20 million paid to the Russian Space Agency.

Tito and the comments upon his return to the earth that he saw Paradise, and achieved his life's dream.

The date of departure the Russian Soyuz spacecraft that will carry Shuttleworth into space on 25 April / May. The young man agreed to pay compared to the same value to spend ten days in the International Space Station.

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