Meta Theatre realistic: "gull" to Chekhov.. Thematic self through technical theater within the theater and the use of intertextuality

Wrote Anton Chekhov Anton Tchékhov The play "La Mouette gull   "About the year 1896. This play has raised many of the interpretations were hurt, mostly in the link text real trend, and thus by Russia at the end of the nineteenth century, particularly from the aspect of segment that shows the status of the play conjures up some of the symbols.
This interpretation is out of the question for us, but the tools exist - in our - in the side that it had neglected the previous studies, namely the appearance Almitamsrahi in this action drama, where it notes that it is a prominent when, by means of struts text quality, and envisages a functional double: the aesthetic and ideological the same time.
Not found in the play is the story of a comprehensive one, but on the stories of several small related to each and every one of them the fate of the personality of the characters of the play. Perhaps the most striking story cast a shadow on the worlds of the text is the story of   Trpleyv Treplev A young writer who wanted to highlight the same by writing hit it by fossilized does not believe new, but working on the profile. It seems clear through the play, which by and tried to diagnose, but it is subject to criticism and ridicule. The Trpleyv largely obsessed with "new forms". Therefore, we find it to disclose this explicitly:
"Trpleyv: required new forms, must be created and if there is no better for there is not anything at all".
Perhaps this obsession is in control of his view of the contemporary theater:
"Trpleyv: ... I think that contemporary theater is not only monotonous and prejudice".
This is what compels him to clarify his views on some fundamental issues underlying the concept of theater as a matter simulations, where we find it discussed in his interview with Nina Nina:
"Nina: It is difficult in the representation Msarhatk. The characters are not living organisms.
Trpleyv: You say living ! Should not simulate life as it is, but as we see in a dream".
Despite this, the scene, which was introduced by Trpleyv ridiculous, raising his troubles and made ​​him convinced that live theater under the weight of "Monobolih":
"Trpleyv: ... sorry, I forgot to write plays and play on the stage does not allow them only a few of the elect. Monopoul has broken".
The collision Trpleyv experience this cultural reality ossified make it chooses to end his life by resorting to suicide.
Disclose, then, the story of this young writer on topics play, which says it "translated the text into French:" placed "gull" is art, literature, theater". This seems to reflect the choice and conscious of Chekhov, who spoke at one of his letters from "gull", emphasizing that they often include a letter from the literature. So, we can say that the play refer, Modoatia, for itself and that by tracking the path of a young writer and to highlight the perceptions about the theater and the obstacles faced by the imposition of these perceptions.
Chekhov has created this thematic self Mitamsrhieddin two procedures is the first in technical theater within the theater, and the second in the use of intertextuality. Trpleyv theatrical scene of a structure for the double play in the "gull" Invest structure with large built-in structure of the play, and as a topic for discussion, debate and deliberation between the various characters which taken as a pretext to Mtarahh literary and artistic issues in the text. Chekhov also used it as a way to highlight the critical dimension in his Almitamsrahi, so converting is a writer Trpleyv to the subject of satirical simulation.
Given the nature of the relationship between mother and Trpleyv Erkddin Arkadina Of letters are concerned Trigoren Trigorine   , The play resorts to intertextuality, and that by including clips of dialogue from "Hamlet" of Shakespeare's heroes deceptive Hamlet and his mother to his father:
"Erkddin: (cross-sectional" Hamlet ")" My son has turned the boss - Rey into my soul and I saw the bloody wounds, deadly. He has lost everything. "
Trpleyv: (reviewing the "Hamlet") "but no Ansagt with vice, and looked for love in the depth of the crime?"(80) .
The invoking of this relationship gives the play the character of the tragedy, and through detection of the type of parallelism in Trpleyv suffering among the young writer and Hamlet Shakespearean tragic hero.
If this dimension Altnasi makes the "gull" opening up to the tragedy, what is really is that this approach is not consistent with the qualitative nature of the selection, which was announced on the Chekhov play, while marking the "comedy" of four chapters. Mark and I have some studying to this ambiguity, where one of them said that the "gull" raised "a lot of controversy about the nature and cause of this Kkomidea they include elements of the tragedy of modern man for the simple".
The status of Trpleyv suggest, indeed, the atmosphere of tragedy, so far as the Bmthagaf young man, he left the university, does not have money and fame do not want to impose the same culture in a society subject to the type of monopoly, which leads him to suicide. But the atmosphere created by the satirical play after track Trpleyv scene, I added the character comedy.
If this last point serves the function of monetary Almitamsarh in the "gull", the first choice is consistent with the full lattice simulations assigned this speech Almitamsrahi. For this, we can say that the dimensions of the tragic and comic in the play "gull" does not contradict, but Ilthmon to create a poetic and realistic underlying discourse Almitamsrahi Alchykhova.
In line with the components of this poetry, it is noted that in Almitamsarh "gull" to achieve three basic functions: the function Alsermatah, cash position and ideological function.
On the point the first function, confirming Trioli Elsa Elsa Triolet That the "gull" is "the most Sermatah of Chekhov plays, where we can easily recognize and find the concerns of Chekhov, and that we also find people from the surroundings". The reference evoke realistic through the facts and the characters consistent with the nature of the real tendency in the play, and reminds us that Bmollier Mrtglth data from within the cultural biography in the face of his opponents. This makes us discover that the so-called autobiographical in the history of literary genres can be formulated in the formulation of the play, as formulated by the narrative. Perhaps it will be possible to talk about a new type is called "CV theater" that rely on Almitamsarh as a key to diagnosis.
If the "gull"   Include - in monetary terms - a kind of parody; the target which is not the Trpleyv as the personality of the paper - in the words of Barth -, but the target is what references he has to do theater, any current literary type "gull" basis in order to take a critical attitude of it. In this context, study American that "gull Tsataml much potential cash Matadrama, which gives us not only play the internal Bmalvha and its heroes, but throated as well. Despite the fact that the play Trpleyv not going well, but that Chekhov used to detect defects and elements of the power of drama, natural and romantic alike".
The "gull" establish, from this angle, Noodles especially on the ruins of capillaries, the other, based on a new concept for simulation tends toward perfection without moving the reality literally, as in the natural trend, which is based on the background of a "photograph", and without riding dreams and Alastaihamat beyond the limits of simple and regular life, as in the romantic direction. Arguably, then, that "emulate Chekhov simulation Aristotelianism great, but it has moved from the traditional to the sum of the proceeds is a new normal life is simple and complex characters that express emotions
Normal is not Kaaoatef High transcendent heroes".
The Chekhov not only draw   Literary features of the poetic drama in the "gull," but beyond that towards the disclosure of the ideological aspect of this poetry. This is done by emphasizing that the problem does not lie in the corresponding new format is with the latest, a belief expressed by Trpleyv itself when colliding with the existing cultural reality, which reflects, in fact, reality and ideology:
"Trpleyv: I have spoken a lot about new forms, and here I am, I feel myself slip him some modest [...] Yes, I gradually became convinced that it's not about old or new forms, but simply including the stems from the heart without thinking in this Figure Omak".
The Trpleyv embodies, in fact, a symbol of the Russian educated class, like Greggoren, and that each one of them is a face within the structure of cultural and ideological wrestle the old and new. If the "clash of forms of" literary translations of the broader conflict, what is confirmed by Chekhov Bmsarhth to this conflict, is that reality is the premise regardless of the composition and method of diagnosis, as long as his presence in itself impose a specific permit Balbsat constipated and normal in it. Then, we can say that Chekhov's realistic in the play by play on the ruins of romance and natural together, not a literary trend and by, but is also an ideological orientation.
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