Bread and grain products such as Alahbubaat (Aseral), rice, pasta, pastries.. For children, adolescents and women activists and most of the men and the elderly

Bread and grain products such as Alahbubaat (Aseral), rice, pasta, pastries:

Daily number of shares:Six servings of most of the women and the elderly.

Nine servings for children and adolescent girls and active womenand most men.

Eleven of the share of adolescents and active men.

Size or weight per share:1 / 8 of the bread the Great, or a piece (slice) of bread, toast, or a quarter of a loaf of plain bread or 30 grams of corn Flex ready for food, or 1 / 6 of the bread, the great Lebanese or half a cup of rice or Aseral or pasta cooked or Medium boiled potatoes.
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