Are the reasons that surround the individual in the environment or the social sphere. Examples include:Disorder of civilization and cultural factors and disruption of socialization in the family, at school and in society .. And so on.It is noted that the original causes or predisposing causes and help or precipitated Taatzafar to show symptoms of the disease, the most important is called the main reason.It is also noted that the relationship between the causes of mental illness barely be a relationship differentiation and integration.
* We find that in the case of a strong enough reasons for creating the precipitating cause of the disease occurs so simple.
* As well as in the case of the reasons for creating the necessary cause of weak forces precipitated until the disease occurs.It is also noted that the reason or reasons that lead to the collapse of individual personality may lead to the refinement are the same person as another individual that (the fire that melts the fat are the same that make the egg freezes) .. It also says some men hair iron when rung speeches, and some of the porcelain drop of a hat.In identifying the causes and diagnosis of mental illness should not exaggerate in a variety of reasons at the expense of others.But must not exaggerate in a variety of reasons at the expense of the other, but care must be taken with all of the vital reasons, psychological, and environmental, prepared them and precipitator. And do not forget the importance of identifying the causes as perceived by the patient himself, reminding the patient that "Nothing comes from nothing.Know the exact reasons help to remove them and make it possible to predict treatment too.
Mental disorders