Concerns of the medical waste management in World Bank projects.. Investment in training teams to work on the correct sorting and waste management significantly enhance worker safety and public health

Published "Health Care without Harm (HCWH)" a global gathering of a group of doctors, nurses and activists around the world that work against incinerators, one in 1999 entitled"Wisdom of the World Bank hazardous waste incinerators in thefinancing of the Third World." In this report reflect HCWH concernthe marketing of the World Bank's technology heavily polluting, expensive and unnecessary in third world countries. Because the information about the risks of burning medical waste and the availability of alternatives become widespread, burning quicklyturns to obsolete technology in the industrial countries, but turn into a new product marketed in the third world.
In the United States, for example, there were about 4,500medical waste incinerator in the early nineties; and today is left of them less than 2500. It is likely that the majority of theseincinerators will be closed soon because they do not take into account the burning of medical waste regulations released by theU.S. Agency for environmental protection. 4600 was also locksthe Holocaust in Japan, or 17% out of 27 thousand Holocaustwas working in the country of the Holocaust because of the strict conditions imposed on emissions of dioxins since December 1999. It is expected to continue closing the largest number ofincinerators, according to a study by the Japanese Agency for the Protection of the environment.
Inappropriate and irresponsible to continue the World Bank in the marketing of burning in his sector of health and its projects. These projects are environmentally based double standard allows the citizens of the northern part of the planet (the rich world) to enjoy the highest degree of environmental safety compared with citizens of the southern part (the poor world). It is irresponsible, especiallythe presence of all these evidences that the investment intechnologies "Allahrq" alternative is less expensive when buyingand operating and investing in staff training on the proper sortingand waste management significantly enhance worker safety and public health.

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