Effects of dioxin.. Of cancer. Effect on the immune system. Effect on reproduction and growth. Weakening of fertility. Hormonal imbalance

A - cancer. Of scientifically proven that dioxin causes cancer in humans, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer). The impact of dioxin has been linked to liver cancer, lung, stomach, and soft tissue and macrophages as well as lymphoma.
B - effect on the immune system. Exposure to dioxin in small proportions to the weakness of the resistance against diseases caused by bacteria or viruses or parasites.
C - the impact on reproduction and growth. Exposure of animals to dioxins to the weakening of fertility and reduce the number ofpuppies in the abdomen and one non-completion of a period ofnormal pregnancy. The female was pregnant leads to the birth ofchildren suffer from reduced levels of testosterone and decreased numbers of sperm as well as congenital defects andlearning problems. Infant and children's exposure to high levels ofdioxin from breast milk lead to a reduction Alteroaad hormonenecessary for normal growth of the brain. The men were linked todioxin to reduce the proportion of children for sex girls at the expense of boys in their descendants, who continue to impactseveral years after exposure to dioxin .11
D - hormonal imbalance: Dioxin Calermon works where it's associated objects receive and disrupt gene activity in cells.Since the human hormones may be affected by rates of parts of atrillion (million million) can small amounts of dioxin to cause a series of reactions in the body.

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