Genetic disorders.. Cause of psychiatric initializer but it does not work alone but also supports the environment impact of genetics in the production of disease

Inheritance means moving the biological through genes from parents to children in the moment of conception.
The most important thing is affected by hereditary physicalconfigurations such as height and weight ... .
The apparent role of genetics as a cause of psychiatric initializer, but it does not work alone but also supports the environmentimpact of genetics in the production of disease.Genetics is not an independent force for the environment or toadd strength, but interact with it affecting and affected by it.
Genetic factor may provide the individual's willingness shown bythe environment or hinder it from appearing.
Diseases that affect the genetics: color blindness, and KhuriaHuntington, dementia and family potential.
There are some diseases that are likely to be the role of heredity, such as: schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, and mental impairment, and epilepsy.
Of the most important genetic causes of mental illness:congenital malformations, genetic disorders geneticsusceptibility.

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