Genetic Engineering.. Control in some genes of a living cell. Gene technology. Re-synthesis of genetic

In the mid-seventies saw a number of enthusiastic scientists we are the brink of revolution * * biological technology have made ((Genetic Engineering)) to the extent that we become with him that we look forward to the day when we can build a living as easily as we build the computer now. Be able to ((magic drugs)) and Alvaksenat genetically engineered change of medicine so as not leaving.
 Serious diseases on the end of this century, only heart disease and diseases of aging.Valhndsh Genetic scientific term reflects the modern technology that are exploited for the control of some genes of a living cell and
encouraging them to work using laboratory methods, despite the recent topic but it developed rapidly and there were many Msmyate has called * IT gene *, sometimes known as the * re-synthesis gene *.Perhaps the term Genetic engineering in which many of exaggeration, but the truth of scientific evidence on the progress of technology and the possibility of hereditary control in some of the hereditary qualities of the organism.It is worth mentioning that the exact definition of this kind of technology is the ability to form unions and the new genetic and that mixing genes known to certain cells with genes of viral or plasmids Bactria and enable them to reproduce and demonstrate the ability Genetic control of host cells that pollinate by such materials hereditary.

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