Hospital waste in Lebanon.. Burning in the open air. Landfilling in makeshift dumps. Disposed of in nature. Burning incinerator in the hospital. Agreement with a company specializing in waste collection

The numbers of this section are based on national statisticsconducted in 1997 on the current status of hospitals in Lebanon.12 but he must be aware that most of the results are estimated,so that only 18% of hospitals enumerated claimed to know the amount of waste produced by, while 75% admitted she did not know anything.
On average, each bed produces about 5.4 kg of waste per day,about 1.05 kg of a mixture of waste and contaminated sharpmachines (ie, 19.5% of the total waste). And thus it can be concluded that the total hospital waste produced in Lebanon is45 846 kg per day, about 9 thousand of which are considereddangerous.
Claims 73% of hospital infectious waste they produce, but thestudy shows that the rules of this sort is more often not clear andlead to an imbalance in the screening process in half of these cases. 19% of hospitals do not produce contaminated waste,and 8% of hospitals did not give any answer because they do notconsider the matter after the task. Interested in 67% of these hospitals, only separated from the rest of sharps waste, and 36% of expired drugs excreted from the waste only.
In sum, the possibilities of waste disposal available to thehospitals now are as follows: open burning, municipal waste(which is often embedded in makeshift dumps), disposed of innature, burning in the incinerator hospital, or through an agreement with a company specializing in waste collection and this case, the ultimate fate of this waste is unknown.
All of these solutions is totally unacceptable. Valtmr without recourse to address the very fact that the initial risk of potentialcontamination of soil and liquid leak of toxic landfill to a largeunderground water tanks. No state in Lebanon, specialized institutions known to have the facilities or appropriate means for the disposal of hospital waste.
Currently burns about 14% of the hazardous waste incinerators in the hospitals. 14 of the enumerated hospitals (19%) have a very old incinerators. Of these hospitals, one hospital known quantities of waste treated by Mahrgueth. These incinerators fourteen-making dates back twelve are what 15 years ago at least. Two of the hospitals only know the brand of the Holocaust that they have,and claim they know the six heat of combustion (with the knowledge that the answer to two of them were very high degree of non-realistic). Five hospitals claim they are washing the smokeof holocausts, and two others claim they're cleaning the dustholocausts.
Examples, the American University Hospital is a leading major hospitals in Beirut, which now manages the Holocaust is very oldand contaminated with plans to install a new Holocaust. Hospitalclaims it is committed to environmental standards, but it did not put up, but a clear plan to sort their waste properly and are stillvery far from adopting a policy to replace the hazardous materialsin a phased manner Kplastic PVC and mercury.
The blatant lack of knowledge of the danger involved in the Holocaust by a very flawed. It should be noted that any Holocaust"new" will not solve the problem that even the Holocaust "art" of which emitted a very toxic substances. And everything will be cleanchimneys Holocaust and thus emissions monitor all the ashes ofthe Holocaust medal. This toxic ash will end up in landfills.
He dreaded the fate of a ten percent of hazardous hospital wasteis unknown. Thus, the impact on the environment and public healthis also defined. It is also disturbing a summary of this study that a quarter of hazardous hospital waste (infectious waste, sharpmachinery and medicines expired) address in the worst possible way, namely, open burning.

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