Hospital waste incinerators.. Infectious or pathological waste. Hazardous wastes. Radioactive waste. Biologically contaminated waste and residues truncated methods referred to anatomical and surgical instruments contaminated

Most of the waste from any hospital or medical center is not awaste of infectious and does not constitute a threat necessarily to public health or the environment 0.3 Valorq, plastic, food scrapsand other waste of ordinary for any hospital are similar to those of the hotels, offices or restaurants, in particular, and that hospitalsare all of these functions. In Lebanon, for example the proportion of hazardous waste or "infectious" between 15 and 20 per cent of the total hospital waste 0.4 this ratio varies betweenindustrialized and developing countries but it is
known that the vast majority of waste generated by hospitals is not a "contagious" and does not exceed twenty percent usually . Thus,despite the advantages enjoyed by private health care facilitiesaround the world, it is possible most of the management of medical waste by using reduction techniques, sorting andrecycling the same adopted in homes and offices.
We can classify hospital waste into four types:
** Pathological or infectious waste.
** Hazardous waste.
** Radioactive waste.
** Other general waste.
There is no doubt that the biologically contaminated hospital wasteand residues truncated methods referred to anatomical andsurgical instruments contaminated in need of special care to avoidany transmission of infection. There is growing concern of the possibility of transmission of infectious diseases Calceda (HIV)virus and Hepatitis-B. Therefore, hospital waste such as household is not therefore require a special treatment. But thefocus should be that these viruses are destroyed quickly after leaving the host body and, thus, the absence of sharp toolsKalhakn the chances of spread remains very small.
And d explains. Paul Konate from the University of St. Lawrence in Canton, New York: "... supposed to burn destruction ofmaterials that exist in infectious material: paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and metal. In the course of this process is to generate acid gases (due to plastic bleach is located) and the liberation of toxic metals (from pigments and additives in the paper, plastics and other materials such as batteries, etc..) consists of dioxins and furans (of any material chlorinator present in the waste). that these problems are distinctive chemical is notthe result of medical waste per se, but from this "solution" meant."
The burning of unnecessary plastic Polyvinyl Chloride - PVC, paper, batteries and other non-infectious materials leads to the generation of emissions of dioxins and furans as well as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium and production of ash, in turn, needs to be addressed especially as it is considered a hazardous waste.
Even hospital waste burned in a furnace temperature of 800Cwere exposed to the combustion process again warmly 1000C,the Holocaust would not destroy all the germs which they are located. Concluded after a group of scientists found high rates oftypes of bacteria in the gases released from hospital wasteincinerators that "the Holocaust may not be absolute best way to sterilize medical waste".
That pollution from incinerators of medical waste is very high. In a study conducted by the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protectionwas considered medical waste incinerators are a major source ofdioxin and mercury pollution in the environment of the country andstockpile food. Therefore become a burning medical waste in the United States to outdated technology. And it also contributes to thefact that the alternatives to burning more beneficial economically.
In 1996, the World Health Organization declared that dioxin iscarcinogenic substance at a time earlier this year recommendedthe organization to reduce acceptable levels of human exposure of 10 pg / kg of body weight per day to 1.4 pg. Even this, it reflectsthe average in the human body, not what can be considered"safe."
Has concluded the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection in its report on the assessment of dioxin, it's cancerous material. The agency estimates the risk of cancer from dioxin directly by 1 to100 "the rate of accumulation in the body." And advised the agency not to put "specific doses" of dioxin. That "the specifieddoses" is a way to put a limit where the exposure does not causerates to below the risk of cancer.

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