How can I minimize the problems of fast food?.. Health education for children and young people. Prevent advertising of unhealthy food. Exercise to burn excess quantities of fat

• The fast food is not inherently evil, and can be some changes to make it more convenient for health, and dimension for the damage.
• moderation in the number of times to go to these restaurants,where,
• One way to help bring about these changes include:
- Health education for children and young people in schools and universities and in the media
- prevent the advertising of unhealthy food.o preferably at the request of the "pizza" Choose  species thatcontain greater amounts of vegetables and less meat and cheese, and that the rule be thin to reduce the calories of pizza.
- preferably grilled meat instead of fried
- Avoid eating potato chips and drinking soft drinks and replaced by a piece of fruit and a glass of fresh unsweetened juice.
- Choose the authorities which contain fresh vegetables and stay away from additives such as fatty mayonnaise.
- Choose desserts that rely on fresh fruit, such as fruit salad,desserts or small volume to reduce the amount of calories in it.
- Select a piece of hamburger smaller.
- Choose the small size of the potato fried, or replace the power inthe event of any on the list
- Drink water or juice
- Try to avoid eating ice cream and sweets
- eating the next meal in a dish of power, and a handful of fruit and some sort of dairy products.
• settled back into eating it does not go overboard.
• Exercise limiting the negative effects of these diets and burnexcess quantities of fat.
• must be stressed the responsibility of the restaurants in the schools and universities provide healthier foods and health drinks for students.
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