Instincts.. Prepared myself carrying a fungal organism to pay attention to certain stimuli perceived by perceptual and feel the emotion when recognizing a special

William McDougall believes that first instincts are the engines of conduct.And defines it as ready myself carrying a fungal organism to pay attention to certain stimuli perceived by perceptual and feel emotionally aware and particularly when the work is finally feeling motivated or to work takes the form of a certain behavior towards this thing.

On this Vllgrizh three aspects: The appearance of the appearance of cognitive emotional appearance Nzoaa (Attention - perception) (emotion - a feeling) (Action - conduct) Classification of the instincts of McDougallSection McDougall instincts to two types- Individual instincts: raised and met by a change in the physiological functions.

- Social instincts: and raised and partially met by, and if other individuals.

- And instincts when Sjmond Freud assume the power and presence behind the tensions inherent in the needs of the organism (the needs of recreation).

- Vahlgrezh is located on the borders of the concept of dynamic phenomena and psychological phenomena, it is a demand of the body of psychological life.

- Instinct is the source of tension within the body.
- "Hunger": The purpose of instinct is to eliminate this tension.
- "Satiety": Multi instinct is a tool that verify and reached saturation.
- "Food": There are a large number of instincts, but most of them derived from a small number of basic instincts.

Classification of the instincts of Freud SjmondDepartment of Freud's instincts are key to Grazatan:
1- the instinct of life.
2- Death InstinctAnd behavior, according to his theory of a mix between the two compatible or conflicting.

 And stresses that many of the social factors due to the instinctive motives.
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