• the period of adolescence is full of movement and physical activity and exercise, therefore, many adolescents may arise tohave some pain around the knee.
• The pain is more common in boys, may become chronictroublesome, especially with movement and walking. The focus is usually around the knee cap and the anterior knee,
• This pain may result from:
- defect in the integrity of the femur and tibia, oro weakness and lack of fitness in the muscles of the thigh andleg, or
- use the wrong sitting on the floor for a long time,
- or sit in a squatting position for a long time,
- or the use of shoes is healthy.
• All these reasons may lead to the emergence of pain around the knee and a sense of sounds made with the movement of the knee and when you walk up the stairs.
• Diagnosis is usually after clinical examination and X-rays ormagnetic when necessary.
• The precautionary treatment, so in the vast majority of patientsthrough physical therapy and rehabilitation to strengthen themuscles of the knee and avoid the unsanitary conditions when you sit and walk and exercise.
• Ka that the use of medicines and ointments, analgesic and anti-inflammatory for a short period helps to speed healing and in some cases can support the medical use of ties around the kneeboots or medical support. The surgical intervention is rarelyresorted to in the treatment of these cases.
Physical activity