Mercury.. Of heavy metals. Is used in thermometers, blood pressure measuring machines and feeding tubes and expansion, batteries and fluorescent lamps

The burning of medical waste is also a major source of mercury pollution. That mercury is one of the heavy metals present in thelayers. In the medical field is the use of mercury in thermometers,blood pressure measuring machines and tubes, expansion andnutrition in addition to batteries and fluorescent lamps. Whereas the use of these tools, the large medical waste provides 20 per cent of the amount of mercury present in the total solid waste.
The burning does not destroy mercury. After the emission of mercury from the chimney falling on the ground or water surfacesagain when, and remains essentially indefinitely. And resides inInorganic mercury (elemental mercury) and are known as organicBzibak bromide (Methyl Mercury). The micro-organisms such as bacteria transformed elemental mercury to methyl mercury. Thatmethyl-mercury is the largest biologically available any thatinteracts with human cells and damage them.
That mercury contamination is widespread in the environment andis concentrated in animals and finally in the human body. It threatens the country's resources, especially food, including fish.
And lead to mercury poisoning, nervous system image, the central nervous system in the body and may damage the brain, kidneysand lungs. And can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and the fetalmembranes (placenta). And runs through the methyl-mercury in thefish contaminated fetal membrane and easily enter the developingfetal brain. That fetal exposure to methyl mercury during pregnancyhas a negative effect known as delayed psychomotor psychomotor retardation.

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