World Health Organization announced that 30 minutes per day of physical activity sufficient to maintain good health and avoid diseases. And emphasizes health organizations all the benefits of the practice of regular physical activity and moderate intensitysuch as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, riding bike, stair climbing, rope skipping, and physical labor in the home garden or farm, or the practice of some sports and so on. and so do the movements of a simple walk on foot or on bike, or climbing stairs, cleaning the house, or engage in a sport even though the front of the TV remains are useful, so make physical activity a part of your daily life.
Covers the health benefits resulting from physical activity several aspects of the various organs of the body, starting with the health of the heart and blood vessels, passing through the bone health, and safety of the muscles and joints, and the end of mental health Add to that, the combination of lack of physical activity with diet wrong and smoking, is the reason cutter for the majority of cases of coronary heart disease early; and many types of cancer; and diabetes; and high blood pressure; and disorders of blood lipids;and osteoporosis; and depression; and anxiety.
The allocation of a place in the house for exercise and by the potential (for those who can) become very important as it will provide an opportunity for the whole family make the most of exercise at any time for each of them as a complement to exercise outside the home.
There must be an exercise of our day. And head of the family is responsible for motivating family members to exercise and provide the means to exercise regularly.
Physical activity