Physiological disorders.. Defective organs of the body. Physiological change in the different stages of growth. Disorders structure (configuration)

Of the most important physiological reasons as follows:
1- defective organs of the body:
Disorder, such as the functions of the senses and the central nervous system defects and impaired autonomic nervous system imbalance and disorder of the circulatory system and respiratory and urinary tract defects and reproductive dysfunction and structural musculature.
2- physiological change in the different stages of growth, the most important manifestations:
A - puberty, such as poor compatibility with the opposite sex and delayed puberty and lack of sexual information and early adulthood and disorders of sex drive.
B - Marriage Marital Oalhalh: spinsterhood and late marriage and sex problems in marriage and infertility, separation, divorce and widowhood.
C- pregnancy and childbirth:Stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth, pregnancy and unwanted pregnancy is natural and poisoning during pregnancy and infection during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation ten industrial and early weaning or stump.
D- the age of sitting:Extreme responses to the changes associated Alfssologih such as ignorance of the reasons of these changes, anxiety, depression and feelings of inferiority and attempted suicide.
E- Aging:Loss of precision in sensory hearing and sight, and the weakness of the movement and physical weakness and lack of vitality and a sense of uncertainty and a sense of deprivation and lack of feeling close to the end and psychological deterioration, boredom and poor compatibility with the new.
3- Disorders structure (configuration):
Biosynthesis intended structure (diversity) of the individual.It is a psychological equation for the physical organization of the individual and influenced by heredity and environment.Include innate characteristics of the individual and environmental experience early (before birth, during and immediately after).Affected the structure or composition of hereditary and adjusted by environmental influences in the path of growth.Not unique configuration to cause mental illness, but shared with other predisposing factors, and precipitated.

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