The problem of hospital waste.. Hazardous waste incinerators are ticking time bombs. Adoption of a strategy viable alternatives for waste management

And described the Holocaust as a "landfill in the sky" because they emit toxic emissions into the atmosphere. Ironically, these"landfill in the sky" you need to burial pits in the ground. Valrmadresulting from municipal solid waste incinerators, which was considered "hazardous waste" by the Supreme Court of the United States of America, contaminate soil and groundwater.Greenpeace warns that condoms each landfill must be crack in the end, the liquid will seep poison to poison the groundwater reservoirs. Hazardous waste incinerators that are ticking timebombs leave to our children.The Holocaust is to address the problem of the end is in essencethe problem. Strategy of treatment of the source dispense withproblems inherited countless adoption by the end of the tube(refineries, incinerators), through reduction and reuse and recycling of materials used and by applying the techniquesAllahrq and the elimination of toxic emissions and allow recyclingin the case of use of the material decomposing naturally getburied properly .
It is important to note the case of positive and practicalapplication have been a successful experiment, in the Spanishisland of Mallorca. Has been developing a comprehensive planbased on public awareness campaigns and financial incentives, technical and voluntary sorting and re-use agreements withindustry and to strengthen the legal responsibility of the producer, allowing the adoption of a program for waste management based on an example of the island free from burning completely.
That the ban out of the burning and example of successfuladoption of strategic alternatives for the sound management of wastes such as those on the island of Mallorca should be a guide for us in this planning period. The experience of leading Mallorcalaunched by Greenpeace can be applied in any societyMediterranean.
Incineration is not a solution to the problem of waste because of the simple transfer of pollutants from the waste itself intochimneys and ash emissions. As that burning eliminates thepossibility of making use of the value of materials throughrecycling.
That the alternative technologies that were presented in the study, which you will find in Appendix B to the list of companiesmarketed alternatives are environmentally sound andeconomically than the Holocaust. Valtaqim Bukhari exist in large numbers in many hospitals and allows for treating a variety ofcontaminated equipment for reuse.
Greenpeace welcomes the efforts of the Council for Developmentand Reconstruction and the ministries of environment and health in their quest to find a comprehensive solution to the problem ofhospital waste management, but the owners of hospitals andasking them to choose alternatives to incinerators instead ofbeing dragged behind the blind and the errors the West, which isappreciated by Alan.
Greenpeace demands that the authorities develop legislation toprevent the management of hospital waste incineration andencourage the adoption of viable alternatives. Possible topromote these alternatives and make it acceptable to the hospitalif the legislation associated with the financial and tax incentivesor prizes for the adoption of sound technologies. It is necessaryto establish penalties for each of the tax beyond the strictenvironmental standards required.
Greenpeace is demanding that the World Bank immediatelyrefrain from financing the burning of medical waste in Lebanon and that adopts a policy of binding is not necessary to prevent burningof medical waste in all future projects.
Greenpeace also calls Syndicate of hospitals have developed policies for the environmentally sound management of wastes andtheir application to impose on hospitals members. ThatGreenpeace is willing to cooperate with any and all partiesconcerned to reach a sound to solve this problem as long as we want it to change.

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