Psychological problems and personality disorders .. Mental impairment. Sleep disorders. Problems of the disabled. Sexual deviations. Marital problems. Problems of aging

Include psychological problems and personality disorders
  Mental impairment - Cognitive school - emotional disorders -disorders habits - eating disorders - Disorders of the output -Sleep Disorders - Speech disorders - problems of the disabled -juvenile delinquency - addictions - problems of young people -sexual deviations - marital problems - problems of aging.
- Psychosomatic disorders:
In the organs of the body: the nervous, the league, respiratory,digestive, endocrine, reproductive, urinary, structural skin.
- Neurosis (mental illness):
Concern - just the disease - the nervous weakness - hysteria -Akhawav - obsessive neurosis and oppression - Depression -disintegration - other types of neuroses (eg, war neurosis,neurosis incident, prison neurosis, and neurosis amount.).
- Psychosis (mental Amrad):
Schizophrenia - Alhmae "paranoia" - mania - mania and psychoticdepression.
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