Recommendations for hospitals for the disposal of waste.. Reduce the production and dissemination of toxic substances such as dioxin and mercury. A new policy for the purchase of medical instruments

Attributed the problem of poor management of hospital waste in Lebanon to the absence of financial interest by hospitals in thiscrisis. Indeed, according the national statistical 93% of hospitalsin Lebanon do not have the budget for waste management, and those that have a budget and do not exceed 7% of the hospitals, the budget is not sufficient to solve the problem. Necessary toinclude the budgets of the hospital department for waste management, and that the human body receives adequate education about the seriousness of hospital waste and the appropriate training for waste management.Because of the absence of any national plan or a private hospital waste management, Greenpeace recommends that hospitalsperform the following steps:
** Taking on the responsibility of reducing the production and dissemination of material specifically toxic dioxins and mercury from medical sources.
** Teaching staff how to prevent dioxin and determine their responsibilities in waste management.
** A new policy for the purchase of medical instruments, through a gradual transition for the purchase of medical equipment free ofthe plastic PVC or mercury-free machines when they are available.
** Include policies lead to sort and reduce waste so that the sort of infectious and hazardous waste from total waste aims to reducethe volume of medical waste that need special handling.
** Investment in training and education programs in waste management and measures to protect workers and ensure the safety of workers in the hospital.
** Adoption of alternatives based on non - burning through the adoption of techniques "autoclave" or "cleansing through themicrowave" and other techniques to manage the waste properly.

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