Recent scientific studies indicate that we eat 10-20 double whatour body needs per day of salt. Man deals with about 10-20grams of salt a day, while the need to 1-2 grams of salt per dayonly. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reduce salt intake.
Although salt intake does not play an important role in causingcoronary heart disease, but there is a definite relationshipbetween excessive salt intake and high blood pressure, studies have shown that people dealing with a little amount of salt scarcitycharacterized by high blood pressure.There are a number of fatty foods and salt, which is hidingbehind, Kalmwalh "nuts" and potato chips, canned food, cheese, sausages, fish and some meats, pickles Kalmrtedla.
The simplest way to reduce the salt is to avoid adding salt to thedining table, and reduce it during cooking, but we must remember that 80% of the salt we eat every day we find ready inthe food that we buy from the market.