* Research on the incidence and distribution of mental disorderswith interest as abnormal behavior patterns and to identify his sleeve and variability for geographic areas and socio-economiclevels, which helps in determining the ((areas of disease)) whereefforts should be focused preventive and curative.
* Research on the social causes of deviant behavior, includingthe impact of social conditions on personal growth and characteristics in preparation for the removal of these causes.
* Research on the psychological effects of the problems ofscientific and technological progress and industry, raised theconcern caused by the deficit before the threat of nuclear war,population explosion and global, social and cultural changerapidly. And must take account of preventive measures for exactlythe requisite social with social change, such as urban growth andchanging urban and manufacturing, and family change in size and shape of a woman going out to the field of employment and production, migration, and openness and change some of thetraditional social values and the issue of war and peace .... etc.
3 - Evaluation and follow-up, including:
* Evaluating the results of preventive and therapeutic and side effects of some types of treatment and means of
* Evaluation of mental health programs undertaken by public and private institutions.
* Evaluate and follow up the work therapists, psychologists,psychiatrists in their heat.
Mental disorders