Sex hormones.. Produce sex cells and reproductive hormones. High local concentration of the reproductive hormones necessary for the production of germ cells

Gonads are members of the two functions produces sex cells(Germ Cells) and reproductive hormones (Sex Hormones).
There is a close relationship between these two functions, topicalfocus of the high reproductive hormones necessary for the production of germ cells.
Ovaries produce eggs and hormones estrogen (Estrogens) and progesterone (Progesterone),
Produces testicular sperm and hormones Alteststeron(Testosterone) and alsosecreted these  reproductive hormonesto varying degrees of adrenal gland (Suprarenal Gland) andsecrete gonadal hormones under the influence of the functional and organizational each of the pituitary gland (Pituitary) andAlhaaboethelams (Hypothalamus) and works of these hormonesat the level of the nucleus (Nuclear Level).
Natural function of the genital glands is reproduction and thuspreserve the species.

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