Solutions for the disposal of hospital waste.. Reduce and sort waste. Reuse. Alternative treatment technologies. Autoclave. IT exposure to microwave

The optimal solution to the crisis of hospital waste is the adoption of various steps to deal with this waste before moving to address them. The first step is careful sorting of waste and reducing themand develop a program to prevent the gradual use of hazardous materials through the development of rules for the supply charge(for example, avoid buying PVC and plastic materials that containmercury), and the adoption of alternative treatment technologies are environmentally sound.
Reduce waste
The most important part in the management of waste isminimized. Reduce waste and start from the beginning during the purchase of materials supply in the hospital. Visttia procurement experts who deal with vendors a lot of tools, the amount of reusable and reduce the amount of waste and thus the resultingharm. To reduce packaging to a minimum and buy productsinstead of permanent ones that must be disposed of after use in the lead where it can applied to reduce the waste produced.
Sorting of waste
That sort of waste is essential to the success of recycling and it is easy to apply widely in hospitals as places of the organization toa large extent. A sort the most important step in reducing the size of the damage and medical waste produced. As that sort of waste reduces the risk to workers. If you are mixing up most of the waste is infectious with a small percentage of the waste maybe infectious evening total waste dangerous. But if the separationof infectious waste is infectious facilitate the process of re-usedor recycled. Very easy to recycle paper products, cardboard,glass and some plastics and metals. That sort of waste is notdifficult to apply if accompanied by processes of education, regulation and control and the appropriate application.
The best way to develop an appropriate system to reduce wasteand sorted in any hospital is to conduct an inventory assessment of hospital waste in order to see the types of waste and the different models produced in all sections of the hospital.
In the ability of hospitals to reduce the amount of waste and the resulting lower costs and reduce their impact on the environment through the conscious choice of materials supply and givepreference to products of reusable and that fit the needs of health care workers and their patients. Enjoy a lot of hospitals in developing countries, especially reprocessing facilities for the sterilization of tools and materials for reuse. That investment in the improvement and development of these facilities to increase the use of supplies of reusable and ensure safety contribute to addressing the problem of waste significantly. After severaldecades of decline in the use of materials for re-use in the United States and Europe, but it had returned to the dependent of a new and dramatically. Many of the single-use products withalternatives to a safe and reusable, including sharps and containers, linens, pots and clinical needs, plates, etc..
Alternative treatment technologies
Even hospitals that adopt the best systems to reduce, sort andre-use of waste will continue to produce some of the infectious waste. However, almost all of these wastes do not need to burn to become a non-harmful and non-infectious. In 1997 alone, 1500was established facility for the treatment of medical wasteincineration in a way other than the United States.
An "autoclave" Autoclave the most widely used alternative towaste treatment. And damage the autoclave infectious agentsthrough the use of heat, steam and compressed. Unlike theHolocaust, the material does not burn, which reduces the risk ofproducing dioxin. Sometimes waste is cut by sterilized to facilitate that process. "Autoclave" less expensive than modernincinerators and even more in the ease of maintenance andrepairs. The technology "autoclave" very familiar with thehospitals so that most of them are still using equipmentsterilization in small laboratories to sterilize equipment.
In India, for example, has adopted the "autoclave" in their hospitalsthan a thousand beds. One of the first hospitals that have adoptedthis system Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Delhi, containing two hundred beds and run by the state government of Delhi, is still going on for more than two years. As has been the adoption of "autoclave" i in nine government hospitals recently, including the largest hospital in India, "All India Institute of Medical," which is owned by the central government of India.
Other alternatives are the use of environmentally sound technologyexposure to microwave Microwaving a technique that uses radiant energy to raise the temperature of the water that is sprayed on thewaste. When the boiling point of water, boil it stops harmfulbacteria with it.
There are many other alternatives as well, but it is importantclarification that while these alternatives are not without these alternatives completely out of danger, it is necessary to attach them to an effective system to reduce waste and sorted so as toreduce their environmental impact and costs of disposal of medical waste.

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