Structure of the genetic material.. Ribonucleic acid imperfect oxygen. And controls the character of hereditary gene and one or more ordinal pattern of fixed base

Contains all the cells of living organisms on the genetic material known as ribonucleic acid, or incomplete oxygen (DNA), a pregnant woman's real genes (Genes) and is responsible for identifying special qualities and unique to each organism. This acid is a compound is a molecule composed of two bands united in a spiral, each bar is a long series of Alnotedat.And Alnwatidh is a chemical compound composed of five minus the sugar and a phosphate oxygen and the nitrogen base and Alnwightdat differ from each other only in the nitrogenous bases are: Adenine (A) and thymine (T) & Alcetocn (C) and guanine (G)Paired adenine (A) always with thymine (T)
and paired Alcetocn (C) always with guanine (G), is linked to a tape of the (DNA) with each other links to hydrogen formed from the inside between the nitrogen bases Almtzaujh, and attributed to the worlds famous Watson and Crick interpretation This structure of the molecule (DNA).And controls the character of hereditary gene and one or more, but the gene is generally a many thousands of nitrogenous bases of the pattern of ordinal base fixed so attributed the apparent disparity between the organisms to the difference in the pattern of order of nitrogen bases along the bar of the (DNA) of each organism.It consists of the human DNA molecule Jdillete of a continuous linear sequence consists of three billion units each of which is called building Nicluotadh and in turn made up of three components:  Sugar molecule (deoxyribose) and phosphate you very much, and the base.Note that a molecule of sugar and phosphate constants, and al-Qaeda differ are four types of recipients in more <(A) (T) (C) (G)> can be likened to a molecule of DNA book contains three billion letter written in a language with four characters, just as the sequence of characters in the book gives special meanings so is the sequence of triangles gives the staff of private vehicles.The DNA is passed from one generation to the next This is the reason that the genetic material called the name of the DNA molecule and the integration of Alagdilten constitutes the basis for the transfer of information Alwathih.Genetic engineering is a special technique to take DNA material from the body and its interference in the body of another host in order to switch the genetic modification of the host, using various means, including the breeding industry and the process of cell fusion cells.

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