Walking is cheaper and the most beneficial types of sports.. Moves all the muscles of the body. Good outlet for mental tension, and the key to solve complex problems

• move all the muscles of the body such as swimming, and does not require Ttaghizah difficult conditions.
• You may find out the advantages of human psychological thanphysical benefits, it is a good outlet for mental tension, and the key to solve complex problems.
• The longer you walk to address better the dilemma ofadministrative or family, differ in the calm and style of what was going on in his mind convulsive before the walk, so the delay to resolve such problems until after the pass on the (test), walkingeveryday, better decide before.
• remained after these temptations, to create the appropriatespatial reasons municipalities, educational institutions and stimulate the students to practice this beautiful sport, which offersfitness and recreation about the mental and insomnia and tension.
How much physical activity do I need to do to maintain my health?
• Any amount of physical activity will make you feel better.
• The minimum necessary for the prevention of the disease is thirty minutes of moderate physical activity a day.
This means about 150 calories a day.
• or the girl to spend ten minutes to clean the house twice a day and then walk for ten minutes.
• If you're new to physical activity, you can begin physical activityfor ten minutes a day to increase this time gradually to reach a fullthirty minutes.
• The more time you spend to move your body for your health, your earnings were greater. It is important to move.
• Use the stairs instead of the elevator (at least in the case ofdown).
• Practice some body stretching exercises, while seated at the office or you stand in your website or you speak to your phone.
• You can even exercise physical activity while watching television,such as: jumping, or riding a stationary bike.

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