Water pollution.. The dumping of human waste in the water. Contamination of water streams. Factory waste liquid resulting from the various industries

Water pollution occurs as a result of the dumping of human wastein the water, it is more the sources that cause pollution of waterstreams are factory waste liquid resulting from the different industries. . The Statute of the oil pollution of the marine environment as a result of exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas in or adjacent marine areas, and also that the giant oiltanker accidents may lead to contamination of the hydrosphere.

And includes water pollution:

1. Pollution of fresh water.

2. Pollution of the marine environment.

1- Pollution of fresh water and its impact on human health:

Fresh water is water that is dealing directly with the rights to thatused in the drink and the food you eat.

Has suffered from freshwater sources Tdhorkber in recent timesnot to bring an abundance of attention. We can restrict the factorsthat cause such a phenomenon:

1 - the use of water tanks in the absence of water access for theupper and the roles that are not Tnzfaha a regular basis. Which isvery dangerous.

2 - lack of sanitation and disposal of waste.

3 - get rid of the waste industry without treatment, but are dealt with in part.

As for groundwater, in some areas, we find the leak of some minerals of iron and manganese as well as pesticides used inagricultural land.

Among the most important implications of freshwater pollution on human health, it destroys human health through his intestinaldiseases, including:

1 - cholera.

2 - typhoid.

3 - all kinds of dysentery.

4 - hepatitis.

5 - malaria.

6 - schistosomiasis.

It is no secret that the faecal contamination of water resources and what it involves bacteria, a key factor in disease transmission, directly through contaminated water, or indirectly throughcontamination of vegetables and fruits that are irrigated with this water.

Not only harmful to humans and caused disease, but extends to life in rivers and lakes, as the fertilizer and residues of agriculture in the wastewater to help the growth of algae and various plants to the detriment of fisheries because these plants block sunlight and oxygen to reach them, as they help the breeding of insects such as mosquitoes and snails that cause schistosomiasis, for example.

2- Pollution of the marine environment:  This happens either because of oil resulting from the accidents of ships or tankers or as a result of sewage and industrial.
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