- The purpose of the letter of guarantee insurance is intended tostrengthen the position of the customer's credit status of any debtor'soriginal obligation to the beneficiary.
- The purpose of this joint is also found in the warranty, contractattachments and Bail charity because the lifting of embarrassment and distress for the debtor.
The duration of a temporary letter of guarantee specific:
- issued letters of guarantee are temporary duration of the specificwarranty ends then.• The sponsorship also may be timed to the majority of scholars, is valid to determine the specific date the sponsor enters into a subsequent effect of bail, as his true identify certain period ending its end sponsorship (as opposed to Shaafa'is).
Amount of secured debt in a fixed duty pending the client or his property is obligatory:
- In the final letter of guarantee, the Bank ensures proper execution ofclient obligations arising from his contract with the beneficiary. Theletter of guarantee in the primary, the client may not be entered into commitments with the beneficiary, where the limited warranty on the seriousness of his confirmation will stick with to do. The Bankundertakes to permit security, whether there was a religion and a commitment to the customer or not there is any religion without the commitment.
- This is acceptable in the warranty because the majority of scholarshad authorized guarantee what did not, and gave an example of that is what the sponsor to the beneficiary Dane so and I Odmenh, as evidenced by so saying the Almighty: and those who came bycarrying camel and I am its leader - Al Yousuf 72, where within thecarrying camel before proven right.
Letters of Guarantee