Aid Bakr Abdul Rahim Diab cutthroat Beni Mazar-turned from cattle thief to dangerous criminal and disarm one of his victims and liver given to his son in order to be strong heart like him

Aid Bakr Abdul Rahim Diab .. Book a place for himself in the Stock Exchange Mortals A cutthroat Bani Mazar .. Shift from cattle thief to dangerous criminal international agencies are racing to win the news of him .. Holiday Baker is accused of killing 56 citizens .. In addition to a large number in the assault on girls and the practice of bullying on many residents of Minya . Was at the beginning of his cattle thief .. Steals at the village level .. 
Did not have a name in the world of crime .. He decided professionalism joined to Almtarad mountain in order to have a name in the world of crime and already know every subtle and cruelty Almtarad .. And his heart turned into a piece of black like the desert, which has become a shelter him ..   First offense in scoring (festival) was killed by two brothers together and gave Paljttin in Bahr Youssef .. Then killed his friend .. When news broke that his friend's family intends revenge Astdrjhm deception and harm them in Friday .. And fired a bullet that struck and killed 25 of them citizens of his guilt is only that he was present at the scene of the crime .. And a few days after the accident killed seven others and hit just when citizens were shot over a bridge .. As a liver disarmament victims and presented to his son in order to be a strong heart like he wants to be like daddy does not afraid of anything in this world . Was on the fall festival "holiday" for each ordinary and dreamers security in Upper Egypt .. Where shot and killed by police after the siege .. And left a butcher Beni Mazar, who was the star of the offense at the end of the twentieth century and left in his tragedies ..The victims of the devil.
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