Alexandria after the advent of Islam.. Magistrate Alexandria that enabled Muslims from entering Alexandria. Change the capital to Fustat

  After the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) came out the Muslim Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula to spread Islam throughout the known world, and beat the finest examples in the virtues and good example .. Has welcomed Egyptian Muslims who Khalsoum of injustice Romans during long decades of oppression and injustice .. and after the failure of the Byzantines to resist the Islamic Army was a treaty in 641 AD known as "reconciliation Alexandria" ends after about a year, during which the evacuation of the garrison Byzantine for Alexandria and not to return Byzantines of Alexandria .. And income commander Amr ibn al-Aas Alexandria in 642 and wrote to the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab describes his city, which was the time of entry to the "4000 Palace and 4000 public bath and 12,000 farms and 40,000 Jews and 400 theater" But after a short period of control of the city has Byzantines counterattack to regain the city from a new but Amr Ibn El-Aas could defeat and entered Alexandria again in the summer of 646, welcomed the Copts in Alexandria led Patriarch Benjamin Muslims welcome adults and thus lost the Byzantine State richest mandates forever . 
Has been converted capital from Alexandria to Fustat because there is no Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab that separates him from and to Egypt Sea .. this is something that will loose Alexandria a lot of importance and even though it did not lose the Arabs infatuation with the city and it is clear from their writings numerous to describe Alexandria lighthouse and its ancient .. And, of course, have continued trade movement, which was Alexandria where you play an important role, as well as a new wall was built for the city .. The delegation Alexandria Many scientists like Imam Shatby and Hafiz Ibn Khaldun and Salafi and others who influenced the scientific movement of the city .. Also left by the first phase of the open tomb and the Mosque of Abu Darda - that Sahaabi - in the Downtown area and who participated in the conquest of Egypt .. The city suffered for several powerful earthquakes (in 956 and then 1303, then 1323) led to the crash lighthouse famous (one of the Seven Wonders) so that Ibn Battuta - Pilgrim known - when he visited Alexandria in 1349 could not walk at the site of the lighthouse from the large debris!! As of Alexandria were attacked crusade, most recently in October [[1365]] suffered from indiscriminate killings between a Muslim and a Christian, looting and hit mosques .. However, in the year 1480 the Mamluk Sultan Bey built fortress of the city to protect it at the same site the lighthouse and now known as "Castle Qitbaa" where they enjoyed Alexandria in his very carefully .. has created the Mamluk state and amenities for the establishment of European traders in the ports of Alexandria and Damietta were built hotels and placed under disposal of traders, so that European traders live according pattern Aatadoh in their country and the hotels were large buildings of several floors and patio conducted by the decoding of goods and linking .. And after the construction of Cairo in the year 969 AD and then discovered by the Cape of Good Hope in 1498 as well as after the dry branch of the Nile and the channel that had supplied water Alexandria Homestead, Alexandria lost much of its importance .. But it was still harbor the Egyptian official, which was anchored when most visitors Europeans in Mamluk and Ottoman .. At the end of the eighteenth century, when dominated Mamluks of Egypt under Ottoman rule, appeared corruption and increased taxes on the Egyptians and Europe began experiencing political changes important after the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as a political leader.. came the French campaign on Egypt and the soldiers entered the French campaign Alexandria in the first of July 1798 without little resistance .. Although individuals campaign did not have neither the time nor the desire to bring life back to Alexandria but The campaign was a warning to "vigilance" to all Egyptians! Soon British troops docked with the French in Alexandria in 1801, in the battle led to the withdrawal of French troops from Egypt, for the intervention of Alexandria and Egypt in general a new phase full of renaissance in all fields..
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