Alexandria.. Architect Greco Dinoqratis. The Academy Museion. Stationers first real research institute in history

Founded by Alexander the Great city of Alexandria, Egypt January 21, 331 BC. Greek city. And became the largest city in the Mediterranean basin. The city of Alexandria is located on the sea above the coastal strip north west of the Nile delta and the development of planning engineer Greek (Dinoqratis) Penneklev Alexander is located next to the ancient village of fishermen was Rakota called (Racodh). The city has carried his name. And soon gained fame as quickly became a cultural center, politically and economically, especially when it was the capital of the Ptolemaic rule in Egypt and the city was rebuilt days of Alexander the Great urban extension of Pharaonic cities had existed at the time and her fame religious, cultural and commercial. The start of construction was Kdahih cities Hirklaon and Kanobs and Mntos. Alex Alexander
Was characterized in the opening lines sympathetically military city of Jund Greeks then turned days Ptolemaic Greeks to the city ownership of parks and columns white marble and streets widening was overlooking the sea and the south-east of the eastern port, which has been called the Grand Harbour comparison between him and Mbina Heraklion at Abu Qir Ali's mouth a tributary of the Nile extinct and reflow the mouth of the Nile to become a distance of 20 km from Abu Qir when Rasheed. The new city has gained fame from its ancient university and its complex scientific "Museion" and its library, which is the first research institute real history and lighthouse, which has become one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Scientists have taken Alexandria in disclosure of the nature of the universe and came to understand a lot of natural forces. And studied physics, astronomy, geography, engineering, mathematics, natural history, medicine, philosophy and literature. Among those Geniuses Euclid world of engineering, who studied at the hands the greatest athletes such as Archimedes and Apollonius and Herophilus in the science of medicine and anatomy and Arasistratos in the science of surgery and Galen in pharmacy and Aristacos in astronomy and Eratosthenes in geography and Theophrastus in botany and Climacus and Theokritus in poetry and literature Fillon and Plato in philosophy and dozens others influenced human thought the ancient world. Researchers have found the effects of ancient Alexandria and Abu Qir underwater ruins of 2,500-year-old soaked Pharaonic cities - Greek. And knows so far only through the receipt as narrated by historians or travelers came mythology and ancient Greek epics. And the cities of Heraklion and Mentes ancient near the ancient city of Alexandria and is currently at a depth of 8 meters Abu Qir Bay. The Heraklion port overlooking the mouth of the commercial branch of the Nile, which was called branch Kanobs. The city Mentes was a religious Mekdshhat city was held by the cult of Isis and Serapis. The Sank towns in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea at a depth result of earthquakes or flooding of the Nile. This had the port of Heraklion Pharaonic temples fame and prosperity commercially because it was the most important in Pharaonic Moanaoualtjarah on the sea of the Mediterranean. We have discovered expeditions three cities heritage sites that have existed since a foot Heraklion Kanobs and Menotas. Fthert the houses and temples, statues and columns. For the first time find the French expedition evidence of these cities which was famous temples dating back to the gods Osiris and Isis and Serapis, making the pilgrimage and holy shrines. Alexandria remained the capital of Egypt during the eras of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, even Arabs income. The capital was moved to the city of Fustat, founded by Amr Ibn El-Aas in 21 AH -641.
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