Alexandria.. Mansheya. Shams Gate. Moon Gate. Nabi Daniel Street. Soma street in the Greek Testament

After Alexander ordered the construction of the city, and every architect "Dinokrats" for the design and implementation of the new city, which saw the construction and development process considerably after his death and throughout the period of the rule of the Ptolemies .. where water arrived in the region between Alfaroz Island and the city .. This reclamation began as a long narrow line, has expanded over time to be the land now known as the "Downtown"!! Has also been building a wall of the city, his gates: eastern gate, called "Gate of the Sun" and the western gate, called "moon gate" .. As two major streets were built vertical one another, one of them what is now known as Street "Nabi Daniel" (Soma street in the Greek Testament)!! Has also been linked to Alexandria Nile River by digging a channel from a branch of the Nile, which was extended until Abu Qir, known as "Canobes" (now dry) .. where he was to undermine several branches next sub Rosetta and Damietta .. that the most important thing was built in Alexandria was famous library which was a magnet for all science students in the entire world and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was one of the Seven Wonders..
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