Alexandria: Travel Date.. Museum of live fish. Theological and philosophical school. Of the most famous scientists Xlevdos Athanasius and Plotinus

Alexandria important tourist center. Frequented by tourists and hikers from all over the world, and the most important tourist landmarks: Museum of live fish, and many Roman ruins and the Arab and Islamic.A beacon of science and specialization to its universities and various scientific institutes. The Alexandria City a huge historical and ancient. Was dubbed Great Alexandria. She was told Iram of the Pillars: It was said that Alexander the Great built the year 332 BC.. He ordered built after he entered a great Vzbh structure where many sacrifices and asked the Lord to show him something this city is built or not? He saw in a dream, as if the man appeared to him, he says: You are the city goes reputation in the world, and good wind mixes its, air and acted by toxins and Aharor, and stifles her evils. Fbnaha and named Alexandria and then left her, and when he died it was buried pregnancies. 
They said that Alexandria was lamp lights up at night without the severity of the whites Rkhamha and Mmermrha, and the markets and streets and alleys, arched so as not to infect people something in the rain, was seven walls of different types of stones colors. 
One of the most important parameters of Alexandria lighthouse known in their own name, and was one of the seven wonders of the world. And is said to have been built on a chair of glass in the form of cancer in the middle of the sea, and on the tip of the tongue inside the sea from the mainland, and was the highest of brass statues, including the Statue of indicating Besbapth towards the sun, wherever they are from the ark.
Including a statue refers to the sea with his hand if the enemy became him about the night if DNA and eye may be seen heard so huge statue voice That the people of the city to know that the enemy had DNA from them. Including a statue whenever ever of the day and night hours they heard his voice sound different from the time before.
Famed Alexandria its rich and school library theological and philosophical in the second and third centuries AD. Among the most famous scientists Xlevdos Athanasius and Plotinus; opened Alexandria in 20 AH. Days Omar bin al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him at the hands of the Companion Amr ibn al-Aas.
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