Civic education between rhetoric and practice / Part I

Firstly the premises must be remembered: 

1.1 Citizenship is the political face of human rights, and so they and democracy whenever Tazzata human rights as universal and inherent to individuals and groups, groups and non-partition and integrated whenever Tmahta as Eetmaha face relish rose no one needs to distinguish between them; 

1.2 citizenship is equal participation in governance and management proposal and the drafting of the proposal, implementation and tracking; 

1.3 civic education is socialization on the values ​​of freedom, solidarity, mutual respect, tolerance, freedom of expression and opinion, due to the dignity of man, equality of opportunity, equality, justice, healthy environment, cooperation,,,,, 

1.4 School of Education on the values ​​of citizenship is the process of upgrading these values ​​in a circular motion from heading off through Ptarafha and preference among the other and adopted leading to its adoption automatically as self / internal criteria during verbal expression, action or behavioral disposition kinetic concrete; 

1.5 School of Education on the values ​​of citizenship, including the target groups directly are the categories of regular school attendance or non-formal, descriptive or outside the classroom quotas, are at the start and at the conclusion breeding with these groups and to her and for her in order to space teachers and homeland find where each and every group and group position due to him and "feel that is important that to be reckoned with",,,, and other words, the school education on the values ​​of citizenship is to educate interactive on equal participation by the rules and mechanisms equal participation itself. 

Second, how is the realization of civic education through school or other channels upbringing in Morocco? 
There are two versions, the formula for circulation academic discourse both a cognitive dimension or a the Aldisdaktica dimensions and special pedagogical, and the formula activate educators, teachers and Mkonohm and the rest relevant Mncti programs both the child and the world of childhood or the general public. And only the first version of the production of abstract generalizations not linking this education and the premise that the state is in dire need of people that do not question the performance of tax and not absent from registration on the electoral lists and participate in the voting during elections and public referenda as is the case for Given Tngaah such education in France, for example, or between education and other premise that the state needs to people, in addition to their commitment to Balsaftin previous Almarjutin, keeping tabs on the happenings of daily life in their country, on the national and regional level and the regional and local , and seem opinion where and propose solutions to the problems, regular or special, arising by and accountable and contribute to the track this accountability whenever it seemed to them that it was a threat touches Qguasmanm national common, as is the case for what Tngaah such education in the United Kingdom by I found one of the havens to resolve the issue peacefully Belfast and quiet. With not come this formula for Tamimadtha abstract them, do not bind, too, between Asthdavadtha the obvious and direct towards suicide bombings, which was launched in Morocco from May 16, 2003, before the adoption of educational authorities Educational citizenship, but I knew turn more seriousness and intensively during the consecutive days of the month of April 2007, noted that most suicides are graduates of our school after adoption of the Human Rights Education, without losing sight of the relationship between that and between suicides daily in the Strait of Gibraltar and threats to commit suicide expressed sometimes in front of the headquarters of devices Central State in Rabat, not to mention the queues that never shorten length in order to obtain visas allow to leave may be irrevocably to this country,,,, the second version only turn is reproduction of the same speech. These formulas involved in multiple denominators apologize for being described denominators trite, and in exchange for another formula more authentic, but still curious about our school: 
● formula vulgar to participate (3): Participation mentioned it here unrelated to operations protest or inflammatory or media or other than planned adults and hide behind the facade of children claiming that these are the creators of the idea and makers plans or proponents Ageraúyatea, and of the most famous model measurable in this regard is what happens, as we have lived within the madrassas, where summarized participate in Went on peacekeepers in voices Faqih and skeptics in seriousness from residents of the neighborhood, and it routinely yet make just strongly interesting young and quality understanding and absorbed what they are in the process when he spoke of the data Quranic. And examples of that coming in as much as it is difficult confined about this formula vulgar Post: 

- do security officials, facilitated by the departments of education, in anticipation of a visitor or transient large shipment of children without preparing them or consult their parents, from their schools and assembled in front of the barriers so as not to facilitate withdrawal of the movie by hunger or thirst or a natural need, and to show the visitor and if the children had favored torture themselves to participate in the celebration of keep Btalaath school or to spend time playing and comfort, and to make sure this visitor from his dedication of the organizers of the review; 

- do active collects teens, here, and others, there is, during the intervals, without an integrated action plan and seamless, and Ahnhen, and exactly, a certain set of human rights principles that respond to the needs of supervisors relevant Buncgalathen personal or completion of a report in the form of communication reinforces their claim to contribute to the field of citizenship education, 

- do adults, during the summer, organized a workshop to clean a beach child Vistthmron in all its proceedings physical phenomenon, and versus exploit reminded them the opportunity to prove that children are more worthy of the responsibility of the group or a collective color Council political offender, 

- that producers and Mncti televised program, is nominally a special children, to prepare and directed everything, including the passages linking, archives, and other, which will be followed by children, then retreat to the scenes after they may Hzbwa everything, so do not stay on the screen only children; 

- do active or activists, under the noble campaign to combat one of the serious social phenomena, recruiting children to carry badges and distribute publications and other media, and then shake after the end of the specified period without one wonders what kind of outcome value and behavioral skills and acquired these children and how they can modify the simple actions branching phenomenon them and that may be issued for them, they themselves, or their family members,,,,, 
• the original version of the post: Participation in the status of the activities of school life are: 

- the one hand, various mental exercises and motor allow the child to initiate and briefed on initiatives other, and to recognize the experiences of others and show his opinion, and in order to analyze and criticize and produce ideas, and to make decisions and discussed with peers as with his older are, and to choose and make arguments that convince good choice; 

- On the other hand, encourage the child himself to develop the necessary capacity to be a positive citizen to promote democracy in his community and is keen to respect the fundamental rights and public freedoms and safety of the environment and the peace towards him and for the benefit of others,
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