Egypt.. Gift of the Nile. Qattara Depression east of Siwa. Abu Simbel, Luxor and the Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings. Suez Canal. High Dam

Is an independent Arab state and a member of the Arab League
Located in the north-east of the continent of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea
And the Red Sea to the east, and is bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south
1001449 square kilometers, with its capital Cairo
The land of Egypt, a sprawling desert in the south and west and east with the exception of the valley in which it is being the Nile River, and the delta formed by the north of the country in the Damietta branch in the east and Rasheed in the West, One of the most fertile land as a whole. The mountainous regions of the Parties: Mount Katrina (2637 m) in South Sinai, a mountain range in the east along the Red Sea, the highest peak of Mount Chaib 2187, and the Gilf Kebir plateau and Mount Owainat 1934 in the far south-west. 
The most important Western Sahara deserts of Egypt or the deserts of Libya and an area of 681,000 square kilometers, and the Eastern Desert and ending at the Red Sea to the east of the River Nile. The first is a vast plateau stretching West Nile to the Libyan border, where many of the dry valleys, depressions and oases, and most important of the Qattara Depression east of Siwa, and the extent of its decline Z sea level of 134 meters. 
The second Eastern Desert is a vast plateau punctuated by high mountains granitic overlooking the Red Sea, and to the northeast of the country lies the Sinai Peninsula, a sandy desert stretches to the east of the Gulf of Suez. If what we have rivers of the country, there is no mention only the great Nile River, which is the only river in the country, permanent flow, which is the gift of Egypt and the basis of agriculture and life in the country. Penetrate from the south to the north and empties into sub Rosetta and Damietta on the Mediterranean coast, forming the Nile Delta, and subdivided it several channels Troy and irrigate many parts of the country.
Egypt underwent a rule of the Romans, the Arabs, Turks, and in 1805 ruled the family of Muhammad Ali Pasha and occupied English Vthart the occupation and the Ahmed Orabi Revolution in 1919.
Remained ruling monarchy came up in 1952 arose Egyptian revolution or what is known as a revolution of the Free Officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, who took the presidency after announcing the Egyptian republic and then the United Arab Republic with Syria in 1958 until secession by then in 1961 came to power after the death of Abdel Nasser Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated in 1981 came President Hosni Mubarak as his successor.
Egypt desert climate is very hot in the south, mild Mediterranean coast of the Mediterranean Sea and semi-rare rain in the far reaches of Upper Egypt, The wind is Pentecostal carrying dust except for the northern part, where wind and rain and seasonal Mediterranean. 
Egyptian improve the productivity of agriculture on a regular basis and including that Egypt does not receive any significant rain, 100% of the 2.59 million hectares are cultivated land is actually irrigated. And more than Egypt on a regular basis of the volume of catch. The most important crops rice, cotton, corn, wheat, citrus fruits, onions, sugar cane, beans and potatoes. And reared cattle (bulls, sheep, cows, beauty, goats, donkeys, chickens and ducks) and fish traps.
Generate Egypt a large amount of energy and mines of iron and phosphate, chromium, lead and zinc. The most important resources of petroleum and natural gas and hydro-electricity, lime, manganese and salt.
Egypt should achieve a balance in the balance of industrial and seeks to achieve this through the allocation of state institutions and the establishment of factories for cars at home. They specialize in the field of oil and textiles (cotton), aluminum and food products, in addition to tobacco, mining, arms and ammunition and the various electrical appliances. 
But Egypt donation in another area, as the economy is dependent on oil and the services sector and tourism. The one hand, it gives foreign oil companies the right to exploration in the territory where you can find these companies oil and natural gas, on the other hand succeeded in securing 57% of GDP in the service sector and this figure is very high.
The most important thing in Pharaonic Egypt effects and the most important of Abu Simbel, Luxor, Al-Ahram, tourism has declined in Egypt by 33% (1993) and invests Egypt today to launch another type of tourism different from tourism effects that go for the elite.
Cairo became a very modern city population inflation in addition to skyscrapers, heavy traffic and underground trains (Metro).
The investments are on the beach of the Red Sea to attract Almtnamin holiday in winter. 
Egypt's greatest sea water artery is the Suez Canal, which connects the Red Sea average and the High Dam on the Nile is one of the greatest hydroelectric dams in the world.
Egypt has established a line of pipes parallel to the channel for the transfer of oil, a competing oil tankers with a capacity of 500,000 tons, which passes around the Cape of Good Hope. Have contributed to the Gulf War involving Egypt widely improving the image of the workers in the oil states increased their use. It is important to note that Egypt suffers a significant problem on the environmental level is the pollution of the Nile, which is the only water way in the country.
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