Failaka Island is one of the islands around Kuwait. An ancient island populated. Away from Kuwait at about thirty kilometers, 12 km long and six kilometers wide.
By virtue of its geographical position it enjoyed during the reign of Alexander the Great an important center, and has therefore taken a base for soldiers.
In 1937, while some workers hail a palace of a prince of Kuwait, and found an old stone, carved some writings, he sent officials symbols carved into the British Museum in London to study them. It turns out that the symbols are engraved Greek writings dating back to the Hellenistic Age between the fourth and the first century BC. M. The discovery of this stone brought the government to call Kuwaiti Danish mission, which began drilling in 1958.
The outcome of the exploration and found pieces of pottery dating back to the Bronze Palace, (about 2500 BC. M.) In addition to other pieces of pottery dating back to the Hellenistic era (about 300 BC..).
Castle found a square-shaped, with four towers from the west, and north of the castle gate, surrounded by a double wall box, Ahatoh moat around the castle. It seems that the Greeks had taken the castle fortress is their invaders.
The excavations in 1959 revealed an ancient Greek temple, and a large number of seals, and some houses and large quantities of pottery, and many pieces of copper.
The most important fossil discoveries in 1960 is the cornerstone of Icarus, the name of the island of Failaka, who renamed it the name of a Greek island.
It also found a good number of pottery and figurines, and a number of coins dating back to the reign of King Alexander, and on one side of the coin image of Hercules, and on the other side the image of God Zeus, also discovered in that year the temple of the Greek inside the castle.
And found a quantity of beads and onyx, and cuneiform writing.
The excavations revealed Failaka year 61/62 for another temple, and three furnaces for burning pottery and several houses. Kitchens and bathrooms, and large amounts of sculptures, seals, and pottery.