Play the ministry and the institutions of civil society a key role at the level of the Family to reduce the phenomenon of leakage through the organization of awareness programs for the family of the importance of education For their children through the following:
1. Materially assist poor families to cover expenses Study and providing the requirements of education for their children.
2. Raise awareness and educate the family The value of education and its importance and the risks of leakage on their children.
3. Convince families need To create a family atmosphere for their children by providing the appropriate time and place to study in House.
4. Helping the family to their children in school to solve their problems and learning difficulties Insubjects.
5. Their children not be assigned to students tasks overworked family, Through their availability and provide them with adequate time to study.
6. Activate Contact And communication between the family and the school to follow the development of their children and stand on the problems Face inside and outside the school and assist in the resolution.
7. Participation of the family Extra-curricular activities organized by the school.
8. Inform the family of the dangers of marriage Early daughters and enacting laws that prevent the marriage is less than the specified age, as well as risk Distinguish between their children on the basis of sex in education.
wasting teachers