Ideas and beliefs Almharicih.. Compensation prophecy self Baltamlat. Unleash the homosexual tendencies and deviant and the emergence of the third sex Albankerz

- Does not believe the members of this bee in God, and do not know but (Almharici) God and master of the world.
- Do not believe in the religion of the heavenly religions, and disbelieve all faiths and creeds, and they do not know a faith commitment but Palmearicih which gives them a spiritual energy - they say - chanting: Lord .. No religion.
- Do not believe in something named afterlife or heaven or hell or account .. They do not care to know their fate after death because they stand at the borders of the pleasures of this life is not.
- What they atheism, but they appear to people to be glamorous targets smokescreen hiding that fact, it is that they claim to the Alliance for (knowledge) or (Science of Creative Intelligence) and interpret it as follows: 
* Science: in terms of inviting them to systematic empirical research.
* Intelligence: In terms of the basic character of existence are represented in the target system to change.
Creative **: as a powerful tool capable of bringing about the changes in every time and place.
- And they are praying to through (Transcendental Meditation), which takes into their own hands - as they think - to realize unlimited.
- (Transcendental reflections) achieved by relaxing, and unleash thought, conscience and human conscience even feel comfortable deep flowing inside it, and continue in his case those silent until he finds a solution to all the obstacles and problems encountered in the way, and to achieve this desired happiness.
- Subject affiliated with the training on these reflections upward through four sessions spread over four days, and every half-hour session.
- Starts after that person to exercise his reflections alone that at least every session for twenty minutes in the morning and again every evening and regularly.
- It is possible to do so collectively, it is possible to be done by workers at a factory which appointed overcome Arhaqat work and helps them to increase production.
- Surround Tamlathm atmosphere of priestly rituals, making it attractive for young West mired in the article and who is looking for what meets him spiritual Ocoagah.
- Jumping in the streets banging drums, and singing, without a sense of something called shyness or defect or values, and they send their feelings and beards, and perhaps some of them have shaved head an abnormally, and geared heirs and dirty, all that attractive to the eyes, and an expression of Liberation of all restrictions.
- The Almharici replaced prophecy and revelation self by Reflections, and replaced the God psychological comfort that it finds, and thus dropped from the mind the implications of prophecy and revelation of divinity.
- Firing rein to their youth and Habathm to practice all kinds of sexual orientation and perverted as this - and believe - bring them the highest level of happiness. It has been found, including so-called Balbankerz and called the third sex.
- Claim their youth not to work, and to leave school, and to abandon land link or homeland, there have only doctrine Almharici, they work, a study, a land which is home.
- Lack of self oblige in any way prevents them from exercising natural animal Noazaaha.
- Urging the youth to use drugs Kalmarajoina opium and even start them unleash floating in a sea of happiness imaginary.
- Commit their followers to blind obedience to the Maharishi and not to be subjected only to him as he is the only one who can do anything.
- يلخصون their goals and their fields with seven points give the movement a glamorous atmosphere of the scientific spirit of universal human:
1 - develop the potential of the individual.
2 - improve the government's achievements.
3 - to achieve the highest level of education.
4 - get rid of all the old problems of crime and evil, and all behavior leads to human misery.
5 - Increase intelligent exploitation of the environment.
6 - to achieve the economic aspirations of the individual and society.
7 - to score a goal the soul of humanity.
· As their methods adopted to achieve these ideas are:
1 - Opening universities in rural and urban areas.
2 - published studies (Science of Creative Intelligence) and the call to be applied to the individual and government level and educational, social and in different environments.
A global color TV broadcast teachings of several centers in the world.
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