Intellectual and ideological roots of Blaliyn.. Moorish movement led by the Negro American Timothy Noble Drew Ali. Marcus Jarvi Organization

This movement has on the ruins of two powerful movements that appeared between two blacks:

1 - Moorish movement called for by the American Negro Timothy Noble Drew Ali 1886-1929 and who founded the movement in 1913, a call in which a mixture of social and ideological principles different Asian religious they consider themselves Muslims but their movement suffered weakness following the death of its leader.

2 - Marcus Jarvi Organization 1887-1940 and who founded the black political organization in 1916 and characterized this as a Christian movement, but on the basis of making Christ black and a black nation, a leader far from America 1925, which also led to the demise of this movement.

This can be said that this movement to consider Islam as a spiritual legacy can save blacks from white domination and pushes them to the formation of a special nation distinct rights and gains and status.
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