1. Activating the role of counselor to help students in solving educational problems Educational and non-cooperation with the educational system in the school and the local community and in particular The parents of the students.
2. Justice in dealing and non-discrimination among students within School.
3. Prevent punishment of all kinds at school (physical and psychological): Although That the Ministry of Education officially prevent impunity in all its forms in the schools as a deterrent, but that Punishment is practiced in schools by the education system. Which requires the development of control mechanisms And a follow-up to ensure full commitment not to use method of punishment to solve the problems of students. Where Believed to 53.2% of dropouts and 52.3% of the parents to prevent punishment in schools is A preventive measure effective to reduce the dropout phenomenon.
4. Provide vocational education close Housing.
5. Provide enabling therapeutic education for students with learning difficulties.
6. Activation Code compulsory education in primary and mechanisms for follow-up The implementation at the school level.
7. Allow students to enroll dropouts study Regardless of age, according to specific conditions and soft.
wasting teachers