Renaissance Alexandria.. Mahmudiya Canal to link Alexandria Nile. Camp Shizar. St. Catherine, San Stefano, of Moharram Bey and Saba Pasha, Sidi Gaber and Sidi Bishr

Condemns Alexandria to Mohammed Ali Pasha renaissance where he - and rightly so - has returned to the city life, like it or not .. In 1820 drilling was completed Mahmudiya channel to link Alexandria Nile River, which was credited with reviving the economy Alexandria .. Western Harbour was designed to be is the official port of Egypt was building a modern beacon at the entrance .. as well as the Downtown area are primarily from design engineers .. As Mohammed built at the head of the fig-based favorite and Alexandria became the seat of consuls Western countries, making her European figure where attracted many French and Greece, Jews and Syrians, because of the bounce, suffered by the city .. Well - and after the construction of the Egyptian fleet forces - has emerged several Egyptian naval campaigns 
From Alexandria to Crete and of Moreh and Syria, as the city was threatened twice: once the Greek fleet in 1827, and once the British and French fleets and Russian in 1828 .. In any case, it became Alexandria since he took Muhammad to govern and during the 150 years following the most important port in the Mediterranean and an important center of foreign trade and the headquarters of the population of multi-ethnic, multilingual and multicultural .. The number of population of 8000 people (directly when Mohammad Ali assumed power) to 60000 people .. 
And under the rule of the successors of Muhammad Ali continued Alexandria in economic growth, especially after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1867 .. As increased population growth to the east of the city at the sand (Nicopolis in Roman times), which had been turned into a mere ruin, so as to keep pace with the increase in the number of population .. Also been linked to Alexandria Cairo railway in 1856 .. In 1882, the national leader (Secretary of War at the time) Ahmed Orabi revolution against Khedive Tawfiq to protest the British intervention in Egypt's affairs .. The worsening situation when he arrived the British fleet to Alexandria to shoot City bombing for two days until the city surrendered declared the beginning of the British occupation of Egypt, which lasted for seventy years .. And under British occupation has increased the number of foreigners, especially Greece and who are representing cultural and financial center is important in the city .. and turned Alexandria and the Suez Canal to strategically important sites of the British forces .. In a report to the British consul for Alexandria in 1904 said: "The volume of construction and buildings and land prices have increased dramatically .. also doubled the cost of living in the city .." During World War II, Alexandria was threatened when it signed the Battle of the Worlds on the Mediterranean coast west of the city but he was by the year 1952, has some of the Egyptian army officers a military coup is defined as "the revolution of 52" led to the exit of the British army permanently in 1954 AD . Alexandria came out King Farouk to abdicate and gone into exile in Italy .. Alexandria, specifically in the field of Heliopolis, President Gamal Abdel Nasser (which incidentally was born in Alexandria) nationalization of the Suez Canal .. Having said the number of foreign communities in Alexandria after nationalization policy pursued by President Abdel Nasser, as well as because of the wars fought by Egypt (1956-1967-1973) but there are still simple Greek community in the city .. 
It seems history of Alexandria ancient buried By cultures multi lectured in every corner of the beautiful city .. through smell city .. through names of many neighborhoods and streets like Camp Caesar (no camp Caesar) and St. Catherine and San Stefano and Muharram Bek and Saba Pasha and Shatby (ratio Imam Shatby of interest) and Smouha (Jewish name) and Sidi Gaber and Sidi Bishr.
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