Roman theater in Alexandria.. Detected by the Greco-Roman Museum for the Roman amphitheater

There This effect is important in an area called b (com bench) and is due to name (com bench) on this region to the last century when he passed them of (Noueiri Alexandrian) and saw this hill Turabi high and which is similar to (bench) and resulting from excavation (Mahmudiyah Canal ) in the era of (Muhammad Ali) where this hill Turabi of dirt piles ramming mix. 
Story detected 
Played a mere chance a major role in the detection of this important effect, which is rightly considered one of the symbols of Roman architecture in 1960 and after the issuance of the decision to remove the hill Turabi and the start of construction of a government building in this location during 
Work foundations collided columns iron sectional crucifixion underground face south and east, said of moderators work there entity architecturally this site and immediately began drilling and detected by (Greco-Roman Museum) representative for the benefit of Egyptian Antiquities and (Polish mission) a representative of the center traces the Mediterranean to reveal us a unique architectural models for the effects of Roman Egypt. 
Date built 
Due establish this building to the beginning of the fourth century AD and remained in use until the mid-seventh century and this is confirmed by model Amar, materials and components Amarah used when compared to buildings other erected in this period and tells us this that the building passed by three eras (Roman - Byzantine (Christian) - Islamic) therefore has varied uses, from age to age and this has been demonstrated in studies and different architectural additions as well as the nature and characteristics of each era of Ages. 
Description based 
The building is listed on the form (horseshoe) or character u have dubbed fortunate calls (theater), but comparative studies between him and theaters Similar discovered in Greece, Italy, City Theater (Jerash) confirmed that it is not built for the theater because the theater building is usually in the form of a letter cor semi-circle so that he can sit on the parties from viewing Btakd us that he is not a scene from here we can be called (Roman amphitheater). 
It consists (Roman amphitheater) of 13 row of terraced marble numbered letters and numbers Greek to organize a sit foremost from the bottom of rose granite consisting of Hajjar strong and so use Eng as the basis for the rest of the stands and there top of this stands 5 compartments not left them far only cabin 
The roof chapels with domes Based on a set of columns and the function of those domes sitting protection from the sun and rain in addition to the main role in the delivery process good voice, which fell after a strong earthquake hit him Alexandria in the 6th century AD.
There in Kom bench next to the theater a number of ancient Egyptian monuments, mostly due to the era of the modern state was found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea within the relics that were received in the water during the Middle Ages to Omanisation city did so Slavic and Amlawk Egypt has the Antiquities Authority in conjunction with the foreign missions recovered those pieces and then displayed after it is washed with fresh water to rid it of salts outstanding as promising rectangular basin in that region.
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