Sound and light show Karnak temples.. Fantastic time with the events of ancient Egyptian history

This offer is rumored voice accompanied by soundtrack very creative, stories Date good and biography kings bones who ruled Egypt and prevailed world time that was shorter, capital of Egypt as a whole and stable to the thrones of kings, also attracts attention to the sites of events that tells the horde of temples and structures and halls columns The statues giant display impressive untold, and the display is in seven languages ​​are Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and duration display hour and a half spends the viewer time fantasy with events of ancient Egyptian history with all its grandeur and majesty. 
Valley of the Kings: 
Is obtuse among the mountains of Qurna if chosen by the good kings to be stable to Momciawathm, King was "Thutmose I" A Dynasty 18, is the first king was buried in this place, and was followed by the kings of Dynasties 18 and 19 and 20.
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